
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题

近代警察发端于西欧,是资本主义发展的产物,是社会生产力迅速发展和社会分工日益细密的必然结果。 ( )

题型:问答题 简答题






题型:问答题 简答题

电影《秋菊打官司》中叙述:女主人公秋菊不愿接受乡里的调解,在把自家产出的红辣椒满车地运到集市上去卖,得到足够盘缠后,一直往县里、市里申诉,最后,打人的村长败诉,秋菊赢了官司。秋菊打官司能够成行和能够打赢官司,说明该故事反映的历史时期大致处于[ ]



C、 * * 初期


题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题
      A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress management. He   1   a glass of water and asked
the audience, "How   2   do you think this glass of water is?"
     The students' answers   3   from 20g to 500g.
     "It does not matter on the absolute   4  . It depends on how   5   you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is
OK. If I hold it for a(n)   6 , I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to   7  
an ambulance. It is exactly the   8  weight, but the longer I hold it, the   9  it becomes." The whole audience
became silent, lost in thought.
     After a moment, the lecturer continued, " 10  we carry our burden all the time,  11 , we will not be able to
carry on with the burden becoming increasingly heavier,  12  heavy for us to bear."
      "What you have to do is to  13  the glass, rest for a while  14  holding it up again."
      As is shown in the story above, we have to put down the burden periodically,  15  we can be refreshed
and are able to carry on.
      So before you  16  home from work tonight, put the burden of  17  down. Don't carry it back  18 . You
can pick it up tomorrow.
      Whatever burden you are having now on your  19 , let it down for a moment if you can.
      Life is short,  20  it!
( )1. A. supported     
( )2. A. heavy        
( )3. A. differed    
( )4. A. weight       
( )5. A. tight        
( )6 . A. day        
( )7. A. require      
( )8. A. proper        
( )9. A. less        
( )10. A. If            
( )11. A. now and then   
( )12. A. too        
( )13. A. put away     
( )14. A. after         
( )15. A. so that      
( )16. A. leave        
( )17. A. life         
( )18. A. home         
( )19. A. shoulders     
( )20. A. do         
B. drank            
B. pure                
B. ranged            
B. volume             
B. long               
B. second            
B. invite              
B. same               
B. lighter            
B. Unless              
B. little by little    
B. so                  
B. put down          
B. for               
B. even if           
B. clean             
B. duty              
B. office             
B. heart             
B. like              
C. needed        
C. sweet       
C. numbered      
C. height       
C. difficult     
C. hour          
C. call           
C. right         
C. more         
C. While         
C. sooner or later      
C. rather         
C. put aside        
C. by           
C. as if          
C. approach      
C. task          
C. company        
C. body           
C. love           
D. raised      
D. many        
D. limited     
D. quantity    
D. high        
D. half        
D. ask         
D. usual       
D. heavier     
D. Since       
D. sometimes                       
D. quite       
D. put back    
D. before      
D. as soon as  
D. return      
D. work        
D. family      
D. hands       
D. enjoy       