It is commonly held among marketing expert



It is commonly held among marketing experts that in a nonexpanding market a company’s best strategy is to go after a bigger share of the market and that the best way to do this is to run comparative advertisements that emphasize weaknesses in the products of rivals. In the stagnant market for food oil, soybean-oil and palm-oil producers did wage a two-year battle with comparative advertisements about the deleterious effect on health of each other’s products. These campaigns, however, had little effect on respective market shares; rather, they stopped many people from buying any edible oils at all.
The statements above most ply support the conclusion that comparative advertisements

A.increase a company’s market share in all cases in which that company’s products are clearly superior to the products of rivals.

B.should not be used in a market that is expanding or likely to expand.

C.should under no circumstances be used as a retaliatory measure.

D.carry the risk of causing a contraction of the market at which they are aimed.

E.(E) yield no long-term gains unless consumers can easily verify the claims made.








湖南省土地面积约为212000平方千米,用科学记数法表示为(    )平方千米。




(二)  背景资料:某项目部承担一个大型冶炼工程项目。该项目是当地重点工程,工期紧,质量要求高,但中标价格偏低,成本压力较大。合同约定工程材料由项目部负责采购。项目实施过程中,发生如下情况:  一、项目经理用包工包料方式将部分主体工程分包给几个劳务公司,以加快工程进度。  二、为了提高混凝土的外观质量,项目部大量采购新的钢模板,并将模板费用在本工程中一次摊销。  三、为了加快结构吊装速度,项目部在上级批准的施工组织设计的基础上又自行增加了多台大型吊车,扩大了作业面。由于交叉作业,部分吊车时干时停,有的100t吊车只吊装2t的构件。  四、项目部管理人员更换频繁,造成部分工程资料丢失。  问题:



For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with the natural world (physical and biological sciences), and sciences dealing with mankind (psychology, sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements. every kind of historical knowledge).

Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure or theoretical knowledge, sought only for the purpose of understanding, in order to fulfill the need to understand that is intrinsic and con-substantial to man. What distinguishes man from animals is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn’t be man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.

But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionary scope is for the most part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic section zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life.

Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. Butt in addition, it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly.

Notes: intrinsic 固有的。con-substantial 同体的。autonomy 自主性。zealously and without the least suspicion热情地并丝毫也没有想到。for the most part 大部分,主要地。Utopian乌托邦,理想主义。disinterestedly 不偏不倚地。resign oneself to 听任,顺从。

The title which best expresses the idea of this text is()

A. Progress in Pure Science

B. Learning for Its Own Sake

C. Man’s Science and Inventions

D. Difference between Science and Technology
