太平天国诉讼审判制度的特点是()。 A.程序繁琐 B.天王专断 C.神明裁判 D.程










世界上使用范围最广的语言及其发源的国家是:(   )









     Consider the following three facts from a research about 1,292 kindergartens, elementary schools,

middle schools and high schools.

     78% of the schools have at least one fastfood place within less than a half mile or about a 10minute


     Half the area's schools have a fastfood restaurant a third of a mile or closer, about a fiveminute walk.

In some cases, the restaurant is right next door or across the street.

     There are three to four times as many fastfood restaurants within less than a mile of schools than they

would be expected.

     Most public and private schools in Chicago are only a fiveto10minute walk from at least one fastfood

restaurant. The city is facing the same problem like other areas. Children and teens are surrounded by

unhealthy options.

    Students can pick up fast foods, including hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken and doughnuts, on

the way to and from school. Some high school students can go off campus at lunchtime to eat it. "Five

days a week we send children to an environment where there's an abundance of highcalorie,

lownutritionalquality, inexpensive food," says Bryn Austin.

     The research comes from growing concerns that American schoolchildren are gaining weight. About

31% of kids aged 6 to 19 are overweight or at risk of becoming so. On days when kids eat fast food,

they have more calories, more fat, more sugar and fewer fruits and vegetables than on other days.

     Kelly Brownell from Yale University said, "Just like there are drugfree zones around schools, there

should be zones around schools that are free of junk food, including fastfood restaurants, minimarkets

and gas stations that sell food inside."

1. The passage mainly wants to show that ________. 

A. the number of fastfood restaurants is increasing

B. fastfood restaurants are doing harm to students

C. there are many fastfood restaurants around schools

D. fastfood restaurants around schools have been a problem

2. According to the passage, the "junk food" that Kelly Brownell mentioned should be foods ________. 

A. that are popular with the students

B. high in calories and low in nutrition

C. inexpensive for students to buy

D. high in nutrition and low in calories

3. According to Kelly Brownell, the best way to solve the problem is to ________.

A. have rules to stop students from going out for food

B. set up zones free of junk food around schools

C. charge fastfood restaurants around school

D. close all the gas stations around schools

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Students Are Taking More Calories than They Need

B. Zones Free of Junk Food in Need Around Schools

C. FastFood Restaurants Crowd Chicago Schools

D. FastFood Restaurants Should Not Be Allowed


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