
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题


     A few years ago, an Englishman called Roy Jones went on holiday to a small town near the sea in the

west of England. He was swimming in the sea one day. As he opened his mouth, his false (not real) teeth fell

out and floated (漂) away. The following year, Mr. Jones retumed to the same town. When he was having

dinner in a local cafe one evening, he mentioned the story of his lost teeth to the manager. The manager looked

surprised. He explained that he had found a set of false teeth on the beach last month.Then he asked Roy

Jones if he wanted to try them on. "OK," said Mr. Jones. "I suppose it won't do any harm." When the

manager brought him the teeth, Mr. Jones put them into the mouth, and laughed and laughed. They were his!

     In 1987, an American couple called Jane and Robert Bentley went for a picnic on a beach in California.

When they returned home, Mrs. Bentley realized that she had lost her wedding ring (结婚戒指). It wasn't

expensive but it was valuable to Jane. The Bentleys drove back to the beach and searched for the ring for

three hours, but couldn't find it. A few months later, Mr. Bentley went fishing off the same beach. As he

pulled a large crab (螃蟹) out of the sea, he noticed that there was something on one of its claws (爪). It

was his wife's wedding ring!

1. Mr. Jones was _______ when he lost his false teeth.

A. having dinner

B. laughing on the beach

C. talking to someone

D. swimming in the sea

2. Jones' teeth were found _______.

A. in the sea

B. in a local shop

C. by the manager of a cafe

D. by Mr. Jones himself

3. Jane Bentley found something missing when _______.

A. she got home

B. her husband was fishing

C. she was having a picnic

D. she drove back to the beach

4. What did Mrs. Bendey lose on the beach?

题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

关于中毒颗粒的描述,正确的是 ()






题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

李某去美国定居,走前将其居住的5间房屋委托朋友张某看管。后李某从美国写信给张某,请张某帮助把房屋卖掉,并随信寄来由公证机关公证过的授权委托书。张某的同事司某知道此事,欲购买房屋。司某对张某说:“你可以告诉李某,说此房屋属于城市房屋拆迁范围,政府只能给有限的拆迁费。你将房屋低价卖给我,不会亏待你。”张某勉强同意并按司某的意思给李某写信。李某回信未提出异议。张某以5万元的价格将房屋卖给了司某。张某将5万元寄给李某。3个月后,该房被政府部门拆迁,司某得到拆迁费 10万元。此时,该房屋的市场价格约15万元。根据以上材料,回答以下问题。





