








Passage Two

In the past, young people in Japan were expected to take on responsibilities to support their parents and grandparents. Now they expect to be supported well into young adulthood. The "new breed", born since the 1960s, have never known anything but richness. Youth are seen as resistant to entering society as mature adults to becoming social citizens. Once the great objective of reconstruction after the Second World War was accomplished, a new generation lost the motivating power that had united the nation together.
Japan’s birth rate has been falling rapidly, partly because of the recession, and the job and financial insecurity that it has caused. In 1999, the figure was 1. 38 children per woman, the lowest ever recorded. At the same time, youth crime, although still especially low by western standards, rose to its highest level since record-keeping began 32 years ago. Likewise, the proportion of students dropping out before graduating, at 2.5% also very low by western standards, has nevertheless been rising.
Entrepreneurial (企业家的) role models are few and far between. Bill Gates is often mentioned, but a foreign model can only have so much influence. The problem is that Japanese culture discourages people from revealing details of personal life, including such ordeal (考验) as starting a company. In the past, successful companies such as Honda or Hitachi provided role models of a sort. But today they have been faded by the downturn, and few others have risen to take their place.
By the same reason, young people often feel isolated from their fathers who worked too hard at their jobs to establish much of a relationship with their children. "The one thing they’re sure of is that they don’t want to be like their fathers. And the girls don’t want to be with boys who are like their fathers, so the boys are sure not to be," says Professor Morishima.

The author takes the two examples of the youth crime and students’ dropping-out before graduating to show ______.

A.the youth are overburdened

B.the educational system in Japan is not satisfying

C.public security and order in Japan is bad

D.the ethnical level of youth in Japan is descending


(10 分)试述计算机数控装置的功能。


Walking through my train yesterday, staggering from my seat to the buffet and back, I counted five people reading Harry Potter novels. Not children-these were real grown-ups reading children’s books,
Maybe that would have been understandable. If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense. But they were card-carrying grown-ups with laptops and spreadsheets returning from sales meetings and seminars. Yet they chose to read a children’s book.
I don’t imagine you’ll find this headcount exceptional. You can no longer get on the London Tube and not see a Harry Potter book. Nor is it just the film; these throwback readers were out there in droves long before the movie campaign opened.
So who are these adult readers who have made JK Rowling the second-biggest female earner in Britain (after Madonna) As I have tramped along streets knee-deep in Harry Potter paperbacks, I’ve mentally slotted them into three groups.
First come the Never-Readers, whom Harry has enticed into opening a book. Is this a bad thing Probably not. Writing has many advantages over film, but it can never compete with its magnetic punch. If these books can re-establish the novel as a thrilling experience for some people, then this can only be for the better. If it takes obsession-level hype to lure them into a bookshop. that’s fine by me. But will they go on to read anything else Again, we can only hope.
The second group are the Occasional Readers. These people claim that tiredness, work and children allow them to read only a few books a year. Yet now—to be part of the crowd, to say they’ve read it—they put Harry Potter on their oh-so-select reading list. It’s infuriating, and maddening. Yes, I’m a writer myself, currently writing difficult, unreadable, hopefully unsettling novels, but there are so many other good books out there, so much rewarding, enlightening, enlarging works of fiction for adults; and yet these sad cases are swept along by the hype, the faddism, into reading a children’s book.
The third group are the Regular Readers, for whom Harry is sandwiched between McEwan (英国当代作家) and Balzac, Roth (德国现代诗人) and Dickens. This is the real baffler—what on earth do they get out of reading it Why bother But if they call rattle through it in a week just to say they ve been there—like going to Longleat (朗利特山庄英国名胜) or the Eiffel Tower—the worst they’re doing is encouraging others.

The word "staggering" underlined in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.












