除湿器使用后必须经常保持()清洁、干燥。 A.滤网 B.风叶 C.机器 D.外壳










A.雪中送炭 笑容可鞠 戕害(qiāng) 针砭时弊(biān)

B.呕心沥血 淋漓尽致 纤维(qiān)汲取教训(jí)

C.天涯海角 丢三落四 提防(dī)道行很高(héng)

D.朋比为肩 秘而不宣 佛像(fó)看家本领(kān)


. ---Is Bob still performing?

---I’m afraid not. He is said ______ the stage already as he has become an official.

A.to have left

B.to leave

C.to have been left

D.to be left










      For as long as I can remember, I have been very bad at arguing with people. As soon as someone disagrees with me, I get angry because I feel attacked, like the other person is out to show that I am wrong. And for some reason, I hate being wrong! So my immediate reaction is to get very defensive, I raise my voice, and I end up saying something I later regret. Needless to say, the whole thing ends with me beating myself up, and the other person feeling alienated (疏远) from me. This bothers me especially because my mother does the exact same thing and I hate it!

I have noticed this tendency in me for a long time now, but I have never been able to stop. I did some anger management work with a therapist (治疗专家) a while ago, but because I moved and turned to an advisor at school who cannot see me regularly, I have not been able to continue this important work. They tell you to stop and count to 10, control your breathing, calm yourself down before you talk. But that's the whole problem, I could never think of stopping myself until it was too late! The hurtful things had already come out of my mouth, and I was stuck picking up the pieces.

Right now the problem is urgent because my relationship with a wonderful boyfriend is in danger because of my insecurity and hatred of being wrong. He is closing himself off to me because I have hurt him, and no doubt I am no longer attractive as a woman with no confidence in herself and a bad temper. How do I stop ruining my relationships and hating myself? How do I stop hating being wrong?

67. In what situation will the writer get angry easily?

A. When she has argument with people.

B. When people disagree with her.

C. When she is attacked.

D. When she does something wrong.

68. What does the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?

A. My mother disagrees with me.

B. My mother alienates herself from me.

C. My mother has the same problem with me.

D. My mother does the same wrong to me.

69. In the second paragraph, what does the underlined word "tendency" refer to?

A. Being bad at arguing with people.

B. Hating being wrong.

C. Being lost to others.

D. Hating my mother.

70. We can infer from the third paragraph that

A. the writer feels helpless with her problem

B. the writer finds it hard to count from one to ten

C. the writer has received effective advice about her problem

D. the writer is under the treatment of a therapist

71. What did the writer imply in the last paragraph?

A. She is closing herself off to her boyfriend.

B. She is much hurt by her boyfriend.

C. Her boyfriend has broken up with her.

D. She has to solve her problem in no time.


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