阅读理解。 In cities across the United State




     In cities across the United States, old factories, schools, railroad stations and other buildingsare being

renovated (翻新) for new uses. City planners and private inventors are finding that good buildings, no

matter how old , can be remodeled for new purposes. "If you'd asked someone four or five years ago

whether he'd rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory or clothing warehouse (大商店), he'd

have thought you were crazy,," says a New York architect. "Today, many people are eager to do it."

     Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking

down abandoned9 (抛弃) buildings and starting from the beginning. A change began in the 1990s with a

number of well-advertised projects. They included Chirardelli Square in San Francisco, where an old

chocolate factory was renovated and made into shops and restaurants, Trolley Square in Salt Lake City,

where an abandoned car warehouse became a shopping centre.

     What caused the change? " One reason is nostalgia(怀旧)," a san Francisco builder suggests.

"Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying. Feelings about preserving attractive or historic

buildings have changed a great deal." A second cause is economy. The cost of tearing down an old

building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less

expensive to fix a solid older structure.

     Even when the costs of renovation are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new

building, fixing the old building may be better. Gradually, architects and builders are developing

knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

1. In the United States, renovating old creativity to the job______.

A. has a long history    

B. is a new trend    

C. is still unpopular  

D. is out of date

2. What's the purpose of this passage? 

A. Call on people to renovate old buildings    

B. Report a change-renovation in America

C. Encourage people to make use of old building

D. Introduce a new method of renovating old buildings

3. Why did the passage mention Ghirardelli Square and Trolley Square? 

A. To introduce us some successful building renovations.

B. To make them known to the public.

C. To discuss whether they were worth restoring.

D. To tell us any old buildings can be renovated.

4. Renovating old buildings in the US needs architects who ______.

A. are skilled at tearing down old buildings  

B. are good at designing a new building

C. have rich imagination and creativity      

D. have nostalgia of the city

5. From the passage we can learn that________.  

A. building renovation is a better choice even if it costs more than building a new one

B. renovating a building is surely cheaper than putting up a new one

C. the main reason for building renovation is for economic purpose

D. there will be less new buildings in the world


1916年高举“民主”与“科学”大旗的陈独秀任北京大学教授,新文化运动由此在北京展开。其原因是    (  )






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