单位客户对账按对账方式分为()。A、纸式对账 B、电子对账 C、电话对账 D、上门对









(二) 某国电话通信业务原由一家公司A垄断经营,为在该领域引入竞争,该国电信管制机构采取了下列措施: ①将公司A的长途电话和本地电语业务进行拆分,分别成立本地电话公司B和长途电话公司C; ②发放长途电话经营牌照,引入多家新的长途电话运营公司; ③要求本地电话公司B必须为公司C和新的长途电话公司提供平等的互联接入,且制定了较低的接入费标准; ④对公司C的长途电话业务资费标准严格监管,不允许其降价,而新进入的长途电话公司则可以自主定价,若干年后,对公司C的限制逐步取消。







Many people will have heard of the Alexander technique but have only a vague idea what it is about. Until earlier this year, I didn’t have the faintest idea about it. But, hunched over a computer screen one day, I noticed that the neck-and backache I regularly suffered were more painful than usual. I consulted a doctor, who said: "I can treat the symptoms by massaging your neck and upper back. But you actually have bad posture. That is what you need to get sorted out. Go off and learn the Alexander technique."
I had regularly been told by friends and family that I tend to slouch in chairs but had thought bad posture was something one was born with and could do nothing about, That is not true. Dentists and car mechanics, among others, tend to develop bad posture from leaning over patients or engine bays. Mothers often stress and strain their necks and backs lifting and carrying children, and those of us who sit in front of computers all day are almost certainly not doing our bodies any favours.
A few clicks on the web and I found an Alexander technique teacher, Tanya Shoop, in my area of south London and booked a first appointment. Three months later I am walking straighter and sitting better, while my neck and back pain are things of the past. I feel taller, too, which I may be imagining, but the technique can increase your height by up to five centimeters if you were badly slumped beforehand.
The teaching centres on the neck, head and back. It trains you to use your body less harshly and to perform familiar movements and actions with less effort. There is very little effort in the lessons themselves, which set apart the Alexander technique from pilates or yoga , which are exercise-based.
A typical lesson involves standing in front of a chair and learning to sit and stand with minimal effort. You spend some time ’lying on a bench with your knees bent to straighten the spine and relax your body while the teacher moves your arms and legs to train you to move them correctly.
The key is learning to break the bad habits accumulated over years. Try, for example, folding your arms the opposite way to normal. It feels odd, doesn’t it This is an example of a habit the body has formed which can be hard to break. Many of us carry out heads too far back and tilted skyward. The technique teaches you to let go of the muscles holding the head back, allowing it to resume its natural place on the summit of our spines. The head weighs four to six kilos, so any misalignment can cause problems for the neck and body.
So who was Alexander and how did he come up with the technique Frederick Matthias Alexander, an Australian theatrical orator born in 1860, found in his youth that his voice was failing during performance. He analysed himself and realized his posture was bad. He worked. on improving it, with dramatic results. He brought his technique to London 100 years ago and quickly gathered a following that included some very famous people. He died in 1955, having established a teacher-training school in London, which is thriving today.
So if you are slouching along the road one day, feeling weighed down by your troubles, give a thought to the Alexander technique. It could help you walk tall again.

According to the passage, the body appears to form habits that ______ .

A.( inevitably cause physical pain

B.( can be difficult to change

C.( are a consequence of actions we perform

D.( develop in early childhood


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