习惯性分类体系的最大特点是()。A、实用 B、方便 C、简单 D、易记









将刻度尺的一端紧压在桌面上,拨动伸出桌面的一端会听到声音,显著改变刻度尺伸出桌面的长度,用与上次相同的力拨动,能够听出声音的              发生了变化(选填“响度”、“音调”或“音色”)



     Richard Wagner was a German musician who lived in the mid-19th century. He gained fame by

writing operas, a form of performance combining singing, music on

instruments , and drama.

     Wagner's lif'e and work have been very controversial(引起争议的). While he  wrote  excellent 

 music, many people think his operas are too dark and serious,lacking the fun in most operas written

before his time.

     Wagner,on the other hand, thought the opera of his time was too simple. He wanted to make opera

a serious form of art that combined drama and music to tell deep stories that would have a strong effect

on the audience.

     Some people thought Wagner's new kind of music was too different from the operas they were used

to hearing. Wagner agreed with them. In fact, he didn't call his works "operas" at all but using a German

word that means " Musical Festival" or " Musical Play" .

      While many people today still do not like Wagner's operas,they cannot deny that Wagner has had a

lot of influence on opera as a form of art. Wagner invented the tradition of turning off the lights before

starting a play. He also was the first person to make the whole audience sit down for an entire play.

Today, almost all operas are performed in this manner.

     Wagner as a man was even more controversial than Wagner as a writer of music. He hated Jewish

people , slept with his friends' wives,and made many people angry-lots of things we would today think

of as evil. Some would say he was a good musician, while others hold that he was a bad musician. But it

would be difficult to say he was not an important person in music: and in the world.

1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Richard Wagner is not worth talking about.

B. Richard Wagner was an evil man.

C. Richard Wagner wrote operas.

D. Richard Wagner is a very controversial man.

2. Which of the following uses the word "deep"  in the same sense as it is used at the end of

    paragraph three?  

A. The ocean is very deep.

B. He has a very deep , booming voice.

C. It is not easy to tell the meaning of this poem,because the poet is very deep.

D. We had the deep issue resolved last week.

3. Which of the following is not a way in which Wagner's works were different from normal operas

   before his time?   

A. Wagner called his works "Musical Festival".

B. Wagner used a combination of drama, music on instruments, and singing.

C. Wagner turned off the lights before starting a play.

D. Wagner made the whole audience sit down for an entire performance.

4.  Which of the following does not support the point that the author makes in the last sentence?    

A. Few musicians have been affected by Wagner's works.

B. Most writers of opera today think opera as a serious form of music.

C. Today, all operas are performed with the lights off before starting and the audience seated.

D. Wagner's music had a big influence on Adolf Hitler.








A variety of illegal acts committed by people in the course of their employment, for their own personal gain, are collectively known as white-collar crime. Embezzlement, theft and trading securities (1) insider information are common forms of white-collar crime. The majority of cases involve low-level employees who steal because they are under (2) financial stress. Many plan to (3) the money back as soon as possible but may never do so. Their crimes are usually never (4) because the amounts of money are small, and no one notices the (5) .

(6) , there are some very large cases of white-collar crime, such as multimillion-dollar stock market or banking seams that take years to discover and are extremely difficult and expensive to (7) .

White-collar crime is not (8) to the business sector. Government employment, especially (9) the city level, also provides opportunities to (10) one’s pockets. (11) , building inspectors accept bribes and full-time employees receive (12) payments.

Although white-collar crime is less (13) than street crime, it involves (14) more money and harm to the public than crimes committed by street criminals. It is (15) that there are more criminals (16) the office suites than in the streets, yet the (17) of white-collar makes it difficult to uncover the offenses and pursue the offenders. As the economy (18) from manufacturing to services and electronic commerce, opportunities for white-collar crime (19) , while the technology needed to stop such crimes will (20) .












