下列物质间能否发生化学反应?不能反应的请说明原因,能反应的则写出化学方程式。 (




(1)银和稀硫酸  (2)锌和硫酸铜  (3)铜和硫酸铝  (4)铝和稀盐酸

答:(1)                          ;(2)                                

(3)                          ;(4)                                


10,000 dollars is a large sum of money,but it is still ______than we need for a new house[ ]

A. very few    

B. very little    

C. far fewer  

D. far less



  There are Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) , which live on the Qinghai-Tibet

plateau (高原) have been used to the high speed trains flying by above them.

  "The heavy use of the underpasses (铁路下过路口 )shows the animals'

migration (迁徙)habits have not been affected by the railway," said Yang Qisen,

who has been studying the railway's impact (影响) on wildlife since it opened

five years ago.

  Yang, who is a researcher with the Institute of Zoology under the  

Chinese  Academy of Sciences  (中科院动物研究厅), said a group of 3,000

antelopes live mostly in eastern Qinghai Province. However, every June, some

of them migrate to the Kekexili region of western Qinghai and northeastern Tibet

to give birth to their young.

  The animals make their return journey in August, which means they pass

under the railway twice a year, he said.

  For the past five years, between June and September, Yang and his team

have stayed near the railway to find out what it had done on local wildlife. They

have paid close attention to the migration patterns of the antelopes.

  In 2004, 96 percent of the migrating antelopes were seen using the

underpasses. After 2005, the figure rose to 98 percent, Yang said.

1. What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. The migration of antelopes.

B. The railway on the plateau.

C. The impact of the railway on antelopes.

D. Researchers studying the antelopes.

2. Yang Qisen studies _____.

A. the use of the underpasses of the railway

B. the railway's influence on wildlife

C. the migration of antelopes

D. the habits of wild animals

3.Young antelopes are born around _____.

A. June                      

B. August

C. September                

D. The text doesn't tell us

4. Most antelopes cross the railway _____.

A. by using the underpasses

B. directly

C. by flying by

D. three times a year

5. From the text we know that _____.

A. the antelopes give birth to the young twice a year

B. a group of 3,000 antelopes live mostly in eastern Tibet

C. the migration of antelopes has been affected by the railway

D. after 2005, more and more antelopes are using the underpasses to migrate



兼听则明,                        。多看事实,                      。  

钟不敲不响,                    。不能则学,                       。  

初读好书,                   ;重读好书,                      




