给句子排排队。 1.( )星期天,小文和弟弟去公园玩。   ( )一上车,小文就把钱




1.(  )星期天,小文和弟弟去公园玩。    

  (  ) 一上车,小文就把钱投进投币箱。  

  (  )小文和弟弟从前门上了车。   

  (  )一辆无人售票车开了过来。 

  (  )车到站了,小文和弟弟从后门下了车。 

  (  )他们在路边的车站等车。  

2.(  )一只小蚂蚁也出来找食。   

  (  )大家一齐动手,把面包搬回了家。   

  (  )许多动物都在准备过冬的粮食。  

  (  )天气有点冷了。  

  (  )它发现路旁有块干面包,就叫来了它的伙伴。


CO2焊用于焊接低碳钢和低合金高强度钢时,主要采用硅锰联合脱氧的方法。( )




对联是人民群众喜闻乐见的文学样式,它在丰富人们文化生活的同时,也反映了时代的变迁。某地有这样一幅对联:“放开肚皮吃饱饭,鼓足干劲搞生产。”横批是“多快好省”。此对联最早应该写于 [ ]







阅读下面一段文章,从A 、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Water costs money.  In some places water is hard  36  . what  37  when a town has these problems ?  A small town in California found a happy  38  .

Very  39  rain ever fell there.  The town had no water  40 .  The water it used was

41  from a river 300 miles away.  As more people  42  live in the town,  43  water was needed.  Now water  44  to be brought in from 600 miles ways.  All these cost  45  money.

The town  46  a plan.  It found  47  to clean its “dirty” water.  Once the cleaned water was reused  48  many ways.  Five  49  lakes was built.  Here people could swim and fish and go  50 .  They  51  have picnics in their new parks.  Farmers had more water

52  their crops.  New factories can be built, now that they have the promise of  53 .

In most places, water is used and thrown  54 .  The town that saved  55  water has saved the town!

36. A. supplying            B. getting                        C. to get                       D. to supply

37. A. happens                 B. happening           C. is happened                 D. happened

38. A. key                    B. answer                        C. answering             D. way

39.   A. little                 B. a little                  C. few                          D. a few

40. A. of itself                 B. of its own                 C. for its own           D. for itself

41. A. fetch                  B. take                         C. brought in            D. guided

42. A. come to                 B. came to                    C. coming to                 D. came for

43. A. many                  B. plenty of                  C. more                        D. many more

44. A. has                    B. had                          C. must                        D. needed

45.   A. many                B. a few                       C. a great many             D. a lot of

46. A. put                        B. made                       C. supply                  D. noticed

47.   A. a way           B. ways                        C. an answer                 D. a key

48. A. for                        B. by                           C. at                               D. in

49. A. man-making     B. man-make            C. man-made            D. man made

50.A. boating            B. to boat                    C. to boating                 D. on boating

51. A. must                   B. could                       C. needed                        D. had to

52. A. as                   B. with                         C. for                           D. to

53. A. water enough      B. enough water            C. crops enough            D. enough crops

54. A. off                        B. of                            C. away                        D. out of

55. A. it’s                        B. its                            C. one’s                   D. his





