常用刃天青作为无氧指示剂,请问它在无氧状态下呈( )A.红色B.蓝色C.五色D.绿



常用刃天青作为无氧指示剂,请问它在无氧状态下呈( )



It seems impossible to have an honest conversation about global warming. I say this after diligently perusing the British government’s huge report released last week by Sir Nicholas Stern, former chief economist of the World Bank and now a high civil servant. The report is a masterpiece of misleading public relations. It foresees dire consequences if global warming isn’t curbed: a worldwide depression and flooding of many coastal cities. Meanwhile, the costs of minimizing these awful outcomes are small: only 1 percent of world economic output in 2050.

No sane person could fail to conclude that we should conquer global warming instantly, if not sooner. Who could disagree Well, me. Stem’s headlined conclusions are intellectual fictions. They’re essentially fabrications to justify an aggressive anti-global-warming agenda. The danger of that is that we’d end up with the worst of both worlds: a program that harms the economy without much cutting of greenhouse gases.

Let me throw some messy realities onto Stern’s tidy picture. In the global-warming debate, there’s a big gap between public rhetoric and public behavior. Greenhouse emissions continue to rise despite many earnest pledges to control them. Just last week, the United Nations reported that of the 41 countries it monitors (not including most developing nations), 34 had increased greenhouse emissions from 2000 to 2004. These include most countries committed to reducing emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Why is this In rich democracies, policies that might curb greenhouse gases require politicians and the public to act in exceptionally "enlightened" ways. They have to accept "pain" now for benefits that won’t materialize for decades, probably after they’re dead. And even if rich countries cut emissions, it won’t make much difference unless poor countries do likewise and so far, they’ve refused because that might jeopardize their economic growth and poverty-reduction efforts.

The notion that there’s only a modest tension between suppressing greenhouse gases and sustaining economic growth is highly dubious. Stern arrives at his trivial costs—that 1 percent of world GDP in 2050—by essentially assuming them. His estimates presume that, with proper policies, technological improvements will automatically reconcile declining emissions with adequate economic growth. This is a heroic leap. To check warming, Stern wants annual emissions 25 percent below current levels by 2050. The IEA projects that economic growth by 2050 would more than double emissions. At present, we can’t bridge that gap.

The other great distortion in Stern’s report involves global warming’s effects. No one knows what these might be, because we don’t know how much warming might occur, when, where, or how easily people might adapt. Stern’s horrific specter distills many of the most terrifying guesses, including some imagined for the 22nd century, and implies they’re imminent. The idea is to scare people while reassuring them that policies to avert calamity, if started now, would be fairly easy and inexpensive.

In his report, Stern overstates()

A. the remedies for a possible economic slowdown

B. the necessity for a sustainable economic growth

C. the costs of minimizing the effects of global warming

D. the dangers global warming may cause to the world



A: Excuse me, sir?

B: Yes?              小题1:          ?

A: I want to go to the train station, but I don't know how to get the ticket from the TVM (自动售票机).

B: This way, please. Well, just press here.

A:             小题2:            ?

B: 5 yuan each.

A: All right. By the way,     小题3:      do the trains come?

B: About every six minutes.

A:        小题4:       is the last one?

B: At 11:00 pm.

A: OK. Got it. Thanks for your help.

B:    小题5:.

A: Goodbye!

B: Bye-bye !


某同学用新鲜的猪心脏做灌流实验.他将水从猪心脏的主动脉灌入.该同学观察到的实验现象是水从下列哪种血管内流出?(  )







⑴下列做法有助于能源“开源节流”的是   ▲  (填字母)。







(a)在通常状况下,金刚石和石墨中_______(填“金刚石”或“石墨”)更稳定,石墨的燃烧热为_______ kJ·mol-1

(b)12 g石墨在一定量空气中燃烧,生成气体36g,该过程放出的热量    ▲    kJ。

(3)已知:N2(g)+O2(g)=2NO(g);ΔH=+180.0 kJ·mol-1

综合上述有关信息,请写出CO除NO的热化学方程式          ▲            



     ▲       特性,能与钠离子充分接触。

(5)海水中的“水”电池总反应可表示为:5MnO2+2Ag+2NaCl=Na2Mn5O10+2AgCl,该电池负极反应式为      ▲      ;当生成1 mol Na2Mn5O10转移     ▲   mol电子。






