





201 1年7月1日,伟大的中 * * 党将迎来建党90周年华诞。南宁市某中学准备举行“党啊,亲爱的党——庆祝中 * * 党成立90周年”系列活动。请你参与:

(1)向榜样学习:雷锋、王进喜、焦裕禄、孔繁森……,一个个闪光的名字永远铭刻在我们的心中。在他们身上集中体现了 * * 党员的优秀品质,请你列举出其中两种。




(3)为党旗添彩:中 * * 党在走过的九十年历程中,留下了许多宝贵的精神财富。它们是中 * * 精神的集中体现。作为当代中学生,我们应该如何弘扬和培育民族精神?




     One of the more common and destructive mental tendencies I've seen is that of focusing on what we want

instead of what we have.

     We want this or that. If we don't get what we want, we keep thinking about all that we don't have and we

remain dissatisfied. If we do get what we want, we simply recreate the same thinking in our new

circumstances. So, despite getting what we want, we still remain unhappy. Happiness can't be found when we

are yearning (向往,渴望) for new desires.

      Luckily, there is a way to be happy. It involves changing the emphasis of our thinking from what we want

to what we have. Rather than wishing you were able to take a vacation to Hawaii, think of how much fun you

have had close to home. The list of possibilities is endless! Each time you notice yourself falling into the "I

wish life were different" trap, back off and start over. Take a breath and remember all that you have to be

grateful. When you focus not on what you want, but on what you have, you end up getting more of what you

want anyway. If you focus on the good qualities of your spouse (配偶), she'll be more loving. If you are

grateful for your job rather than complaining about it, you'll do a better job, be more productive, and probably

end up getting a raise anyway. If you focus on ways to enjoy yourself around home rather than waiting to

enjoy yourself in Hawaii, you'll end up having more fun. If you ever do get to Hawaii, you'll be in the habit of

enjoying yourself. And, if by some chance you don't, you have a great life anyway.

      Make a note of yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want. If you do, your

life will start appearing much better than before. For perhaps the first time in your life, you'll know what it means to feel satisfied.

1. Why did the author say that focusing on what we want is destructive?

A. If we don't get what we want, we remain dissatisfied.

B. If we do get what we want, we simply recreate the same thinking.

C. If we desire what we want, we would be unhappy.

D. All of the above 

2. How do you understand the underlined expression "I wish life were different" in the second paragraph?

A. Focusing on what you want.

B. Focusing on what you have.

C. Focusing on ways to enjoy yourself around home.

D. Focusing on being able to take a vacation.

3. The passage implies that ______.

A. getting what we want, we would be happy

B. if we focus on what we have, we would have a better life

C. it is more fun than you have had close to home

D. focusing on what you want, you end up getting more of what you have anyway

4. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. If we focus on what we want, we may remain dissatisfied and unhappy.

B. Changing our thinking from what we want to what we have would make you happy.

C. Focus on the good qualities of your wife, she'll be more loving.

D. It is more fun to around home than taking a vacation to Hawaii.















