Crime is fundamentally (1) . The "broke



Crime is fundamentally (1) . The "broken windows" theory explains the rise and fall of crime: If there is a car sitting on the street with a broken window, it is an (2) to vandalize the car. Because a broken window on a car shows that no onecares about the car. No one’s in (3) .
This is a fundamentally different idea about (4) . We have been repeatedly told that crime is the result of (5) failure, of something deep and (6) within the hearts and souls and brains of (7) . But this theory holds that a criminal is like all of us, someone who is acutely (8) to what’s going on in the (9) , and by making (10) changes in the environment, you can encourage and (11) much more socially (12) behavior.
Take the New York subway as an example. In the early 1980s the subway was a complete (13) ; crime rates were going through the (14) . In order to clean up the subway, they do three things, pick up all the (15) ; clean up the (16) , and forbid turnstile (17) . The subway starts to come around (18) . All of a sudden, everyone gets the message that someone’s in charge, and somebody (19) about this. It’s not a space that (20) criminal behavior.

Crime is fundamentally (1) . The "broken windows" theory explains the rise and fall of crime: If there is a car sitting on the street with a broken window, it is an (2) to vandalize the car. Because a broken window on a car shows that no onecares about the car. No one’s in (3) .
This is a fundamentally different idea about (4) . We have been repeatedly told that crime is the result of (5) failure, of something deep and (6) within the hearts and souls and brains of (7) . But this theory holds that a criminal is like all of us, someone who is acutely (8) to what’s going on in the (9) , and by making (10) changes in the environment, you can encourage and (11) much more socially (12) behavior.
Take the New York subway as an example. In the early 1980s the subway was a complete (13) ; crime rates were going through the (14) . In order to clean up the subway, they do three things, pick up all the (15) ; clean up the (16) , and forbid turnstile (17) . The subway starts to come around (18) . All of a sudden, everyone gets the message that someone’s in charge, and somebody (19) about this. It’s not a space that (20) criminal behavior.




B.PⅠ.Ⅱ.aVL 有切迹,P波时限>0.12秒

C.PⅠ.Ⅱ.aVF 高尖








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