造成玉米种子纯度低落的主要原因有:()A、生物学混杂 B、制种去雄不及时 C、种











质押是指债务人或第三方不转移对财产的占有,将该财产作为债权的担保。 ( )


有一倾角为θ的斜面,其底端固定一挡板M,另有三个木块A、B和c,它们的质量分别为=="m," =3m,它们与斜面间的动摩擦因数都相同.其中木块A连接一轻弹簧放于斜面上,并通过轻弹簧与挡板M相连,如图所示.开始时,木块A静止在P处,弹簧处于自然伸长状态.木块B在Q点以初速度)向下运动,P、Q间的距离为L.已知木块B在下滑过程中做匀速直线运动,与木块A相撞后立刻一起向下运动,但不粘连,它们到达一个最低点后又向上运动,木块B向上运动恰好能回到Q点.若木块A仍静止于P点,木块C从Q点开始以初速度向下运动,经历同样过程,最后木块C停在斜面上的R点,求P、R间的距离L’的大小.




In homes and workplaces around the world it’s hard to find someone who is not celebrating the imminent arrival of football’s World Cup, except for many green activists who are concerned about the environmental impact of the gathering of football’s global tribe.
(41) ______. Even allowing for the fact the study included the impact of transport to and from the World Cup, which Germany didn’t, it still represents a hefty carbon footprint.
In response, the South African authorities have initiated substantial offsetting programs including urban tree-planting, but for local environmental activists that’s not enough.
"Once carbon is produced, claiming that offsetting is ’neutralizing’ the carbon footprint is nothing more than ’greenwash’," Bobby Peek, Friends of the Earth South Africa, told CNN. "Sadly, Friends of the Earth South Africa believes nothing can be done to lessen the carbon footprint, despite the reassurances made by the various cities. "
(42) ______.
"In Durban the construction of an entirely new stadium was not necessary considering that there were two stadiums along side each other which could have been redeveloped rather than one completely demolished to make way for a new construction," he said. "Thus the ’savings made’ were negated by the need for virgin cement. The cement industry is one of the main producers of CO2. For every ton of cement there is one ton of carbon produced. "
(43) ______.
"I think South Africa has missed a trick in not seeking, of its own volition, to host the first ’carbon neutral’ mega-event," Anton Cartwright, co-founder of Promoting Access to Carbon Equity told CNN.
"It would have cost them about $ 25 million had they mobilized a national effort, but this did not happen. Had South Africa spent this money, they would have secured the event’s legacy and kick-started South Africa’s renewable energy and energy efficient sector, and I am not sure there is enough public awareness or political leadership on this issue in South Africa to appreciate quite what an opportunity has been passed up."
(44) ______.
"For the department and South Africa, this is a milestone along the country’s sustainable development growth path," Albi Modise, South African Department of Environmental Affairs, told CNN.
He says that while resources have been tight, there have been 200,000 trees planted in Johannesburg as part of a carbon-offsetting program, 25,000 in Rustenberg, 86,000 in Durban, and a target of 400,000 in Tshwane/Pretoria.
There have also been carbon reduction projects focusing on energy efficiency in street lighting in Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Tshwane, Rustenburg, Polokwane and Port Elizabeth.
Some activists concede there may be some indirect environmental benefits from the World Cup. "(45) ______. In the City of Cape Town transport accounts for almost 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, and efforts to reduce this are important. The other important legacy is public awareness— awareness is a prerequisite for the solutions that we so badly need, and what has been most lacking. " said Cartwright.
[A] Peek also claims that there have been unnecessary construction projects using thousands of tons of concrete—one of the most carbon-intensive industries.
[B] Others believe the World Cup is a lost opportunity for South Africa to be a world leader in making sport greener.
[C] One of the most positive legacies will probably come about inadvertently in the form of improved public transport and the bus-rapid-transport system specifically.
[D] Money has been passed from FIFA to national government to host cities, and at the local level not enough is being done in spite of a few brave but small exceptions. Host city efforts have been variable, with a general over-reliance on tree planting.
[E] However, the South African authorities remain adamant they have done all they can with the resources available, although, there is always room for improvement and learning from past mistakes.
[F] A study conducted by the Norwegian government on behalf of the South African authorities estimates the 2010 competition will have a carbon footprint 6 times the size of the last World Cup in Germany.
[G] Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.
