一般油的()温度比闪点温度高3-6℃。A、燃点; B、着火点; C、沸点。







Goal setting is simply having a clear plan of where you want to be in the future. In order to set goals, you must first know where you want to be in the future, or you must have some kind of a dream, something that you really want.
How to set a goal needs a lot of thought about what you really want to do in your life. Take some time by asking yourself about the reason behind your goal. If you are struggling to find direction, then learn to set goals.
Set goals that you can achieve. Divide them into simple tasks that you can achieve every day, every month, every year. Set your goals for success. Often people fail to achieve their dreams, not for lack of hard work and motivation, but simply because they failed to define(界定)their dreams and goals in a way that allowed them to effectively move toward their goals.
Here are some other important points to consider when setting a goal. The goal should be clear enough so that we know exactly what we are struggling for and when the goal has been reached. It should be realistic, that is to say, it is practical and can be achieved. Moreover, it should have necessary resources and a deadline for completion.
Goal setting helps us get organized, make big decisions and realize our dreams. Goals will take you to places you’ve only dreamed of. They’ll help you achieve your life’s dreams. They will give you confidence. And most of all, they’ll motivate you to keep on trying. So just like any other tool, you must know how to properly use goal setting so that you’ll be successful in achieving your dreams.
The 小题1:     of
goal setting
To plan 小题2:     and know where you want to be in the future.
小题3:      on setting
A goal
Think about what you really want to do in your life and the 小题4:    for doing it.
Divide your goals into simple tasks and 小题5:    toward them step by step.
Other important points to take into 小题6:    
Make sure that the goals are clear and小题7:     
Find necessary resources and小题8:    a deadline.
The significance
Goal setting can help you work in an effective way, make big decisions and make your dreams come小题9:    
小题10:       will make you confident and motivated.


A 都是工农业发达的资本主义国家

B 英国农业在国民经济中不占重要地位,法国农业在国民经济中占重要地位

C 都是典型的温带海洋性气候

D 新兴工业都分布在本国南部




汽车超速行驶时造成交通事故的主要原因,快速行驶的汽车紧急刹车时,让车轮停止转动是通过增大                  来增大刹车片与刹车盘之间的摩擦;轮胎在路面留下一道痕迹后汽车停下来,这是利用                  的方法增大汽车轮胎与地面之间的摩擦。


