甘薯果脯(preserved sweet potato)



甘薯果脯(preserved sweet potato)



Top 5 Ways to Build a Wonderful Life

Live below your means(收入).

We all want to buy that new piece of technology, or take out a loan(贷款) for the expensive car we can’t afford. It might feel great at the time but spending too much hurts a lot later on.

Enjoy life’s simple pleasures and save as much as you can.     小题1:   Careful spending will bring you greater enjoyment in the long run.

Put your money to work.

   小题2:   Good investments(投资) can be the difference between retiring in your 40’s or in your 60’s. If a person in their 20’s invests 20% of their income, the interest(利息) they earn will equal their current salary when they reach their early 40’s. They could retire without a drop in income!

Educate yourself.

To be happy we need continuous growth.   小题3:    This doesn’t mean you need to get a doctor’s degree or spend 2 hours every day. Self education can be anything that takes you out of your comfort zone. The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for fresh ideas and perspectives.


Suppose you had everything you wanted. Would you be happy without anyone to share it with? The personal relationships with friends and family members are the greatest source of happiness in our lives. Don’t forget about them. Without the people you care about you’ll probably be miserable, no matter how successful you are.

Work towards a dream.

Even if your life isn’t perfect, you can always build towards a goal. If you aren’t building towards something, you’ll probably stagnating(停滞).    小题5:      

We can’t control everything about lives, but working towards a goal lays the basis for future success. No matter what your dream is, get out there and start doing something.

A.Take care of others.

B.Education builds over time.

C.Develop lasting personal relationships.

D.The best way to grow is life-long education.E. The best way to avoid this is working towards a goal.

F. Expensive things don’t create lasting happiness and security.

G. Saving is great, but to make the most of your money, you need to put it to work.


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“Drink your milk. It’s good for you!” You’ve probably heard that many times, and it’s true. Milk contains calcium, which is a necessary nutrient for keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong. The U.S. government even requires milk as part of the National School Lunch Program, saying that students should drink one cup of fat-free or low-fat milk at each meal.

Last Thursday, however, a group of doctors asked the government to remove milk from the lunch program. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says, “Milk is high in sugar, high in fat and high in animal protein, all of which have negative effects on health.” “One of the only reasons people talk about dairy, or promote it, is that it is going to help build strong bones.” says Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the PCRM. There are better and healthier ways to get calcium such as eating beans, broccoli, cereals and tofu. Orange juice and soymilk that have calcium added to them also supply the nutrient.

Of course, calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, but your genes, how much vitamin D you take in and getting an hour’s worth of exercise every day all play a part.

Some nutritionists disagree with the idea that milk isn’t important. Keri Gans, a dietitian, says, “I think it’s irresponsible to take away this beverage that children enjoy, especially among those who are unable to meet their nutrient needs for the day, and remove it from the lunch line.”

The U.S. government is studying the request of the PCRM, but a decision may be a long way off. Meanwhile, Marion Nestle, a professor at New York University, puts it best: “Milk has nutrients. Other foods have the same nutrients. It’s just a food. Like other foods, too much might be a problem.”

小题1:What is mainly talked about in the first paragraph?

A.The concern about students’ health.

B.Traditional attitudes towards milk.

C.Ways to keep bones and teeth healthy.

D.The practice of the U.S. government.小题2:According to Dr. Neal Barnard, milk is preferred mainly because _____.

A.children like its taste

B.people ignore its disadvantages

C.it contains more calcium than other foods

D.the calcium in it can build up bone strength小题3:We can learn from the text that _____.

A.bone strength is determined by many factors

B.people’s diets shouldn’t contain animal protein

C.the opinion of the PCRM will soon be accepted

D.people should turn to vegetables for calcium













