以下对党的实事求是思想路线的形成和发展过程正确的说法有() A.毛 * * 在第二次国内革




A.毛 * * 在第二次国内革命战争时期首次提出了“思想路线”这个概念

B.毛 * * 在《矛盾论》和《实践论》中对党的思想路线作了系统的哲学论证

C.邓 * * 同志在十一届山中全会后重新确立了实事求是的思想路线

D.江 * * 倡导求真务实之风


安全生产法律体系的基本框架中,( )适用于安全生产领域中普遍存在的基本问题、共性问题的法律规范,它们不解决某一领域存在的特殊性、专业性的法律问题。






题干: 如果期货价格上升,则基差一定下降。

     The five R's are five questions that we ask ourselves
all the time in order to judge whether we're doing a good
job for our customers, having positive vendor(小贩)
relationships, and dealing with our peers(同辈人)and
those around us.
    Respect: Have you been respectful to whomever
you're dealing with whether it's a customer, peer, or a
vendor? And we define respect not as  a  respect for  a
superior, but a respect for someone because they walk on
this planet with you. And you give them respect equally as
you would do.
    Respond:Have you been responsive to the needs of
your customer or the person you're dealing with? Many
people say "You didn't react fast enough"and I actually
don't agree with that philosophy. I think it's more that
you're not responding fast enough.
    Reacting is a very emotional thing. Responding to
somebody involves thinking about what you're doing so
you can help them. Responding implies that you're
listening to what they want and what they're saying, and
you're trying to find a solution for them.
     Realistic:Have you been realistic about what you can
or cannot do? If somebody comes to us with an unrealistic
goal that they need fulfill (完成), then we need to
immediately tell them that we can't do it. We will ruin our
own reputation(名誉) through over promising.
    Responsibility: It's easy for one person to take
responsibility, but it's difficult in an organization where
each person has a job to do and different people are
shepherding that project. Everybody has to go into it with
the philosophy that this is my project and I own it
collectively(共同地) with everybody else, but I'm going to
make it a personal responsibility when this thing succeeds.
    Remembered:When you walk away from a situation
with a customer, vendor, peer, or anyone in your
organization, are you going to be remembered positively?
And if you have done all of the other four R's, I think you
are going to be remembered positively.
Secret to Success—Five R's
RespectMen were born 1.______. So you
should 2.__________respect to everyone.
Respond3._____fast is very necessary for you
to deal with the customers or the other
persons. So you're trying to find a
4.__________for them.
RealisticIf the 5. _________ is far over your ability,
you needn't 6. _____to complete it.
7.__________, it'll ruin your reputation.
ResponsibilityIn an organization, you 8.________the
job with others. Therefore, everybody
must consider himself as the 9._________.
RememberedI believe you will be remembered
10.____if you have done all of the
other four R's.








