支气管扩张可引起() A.限制性通气不足 B.阻塞性通气不足 C.功能性分流 D.解

题型:单项选择题 B型题








题型:单项选择题 B型题







题型:单项选择题 B型题

下列运算中,正确的是(   )

A.一(m+n)=" n" - m

B.(m3n2)3= m6n5

C.m3??n2 = m5

D.n3 ÷n3 = n

题型:单项选择题 B型题

I 完型填空:(15×2)

In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision-making. When the children are  1  enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. The old rule that “children should be seen and not heard” is rarely  2 , and children are often allowed to do  3  they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him  4  question, and children are encouraged to be  5  at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom  6  far. Others think that a strong father image would not  7  the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize (强调 ) the importance of independence, young people are expected to  8  their parental families by the time they have  9  their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a  10 , a kind of weak dependence.

This pattern of independence often results in serious  11  for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live  12  the age of 70. The job retirement age is  13  65. The children have left home, married, and  14  their won households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes.  15  the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.

1. A. great                    B. big                  C. old                   D. young

2. A. watched                B. followed           C. understood        D. grasped

3. A. what                    B. that                   C. which               D. when

4. A. for                       B. on                    C. without             D. in

5. A. dependent             B. independent       C. sure                  D. safe

6. A. too                       B. almost               C. nearly               D. so

7. A. gain                            B. welcome           C. suit                   D. change      

8. A. break up               B. break into          C. break through    D. break away from

9. A. reached                B. come                C. arrived                     D. developed

10. A. reward                B. criticism            C. failure               D. success

11. A. events                 B. problems           C. matters              D. affairs

12. A. on                      B. up                    C. from                 D. beyond

13. A. only                   B. usually              C. sometimes         D. seldom

14. A. set out                B. set aside            C. set up                D. set down

15. A. But                    B. And                  C. So                    D. As

题型:单项选择题 B型题

现在,越来越多的大学生经过认真学习和思考,把加入中 * * 党作为自己的正确选择。争取早日加入 * * 党的大学生应该()。





题型:单项选择题 B型题

【问题1】 设计该宽带路由器的多任务嵌入式实时操作系统时,由于多个任务均可能要求占用CPU这个关键资源,因此CPU的任务管理是一个非常重要的设计内容。在该实时操作系统中,任务作为占用资源的基本单位,总共有5个状态:休眠状态、就绪状态、运行状态、等待或挂起状态和中断服务状态,在任何时候,一个任务只会处于其中的某一个状态。根据以下任务状态转换图(见图8-15)中已给出的信息,请将(1)~(5)空缺处的内容填写完整。
