肾钙乳症的声像图表现为()。 A.肾锥体回声增强,形似面团,呈放射状排列,可有细砂状

题型:单项选择题 B型题








题型:单项选择题 B型题

下列运算结果正确的是(  )





题型:单项选择题 B型题


Eight-year-old Bethany and seven-year-old Eliza are having a great time jumping around in the orchard of their home in a village near Penrith. They can play any time they like because they don't go to school. Instead, they are educated at home by their parents, Paul and Veronika Robinson. But they don't have lessons, have never used a timetable and learn only what and when they want to learn.

"I want my kids to have freedom in their childhood, not spend it in an institution," says 37-year-old Veronika, "School is all about control and following the rules." Veronika and her 56-year-old husband Paul have never experienced the daily rush to get dressed and out of the door that is common in most households with school-aged children. "We get up at our leisure - usually around 8:30," says Veronika. "We might visit a friend, or go to the library, and on Tuesdays we shop at the market. In summer, we spend most of our time outside and the girls entertain themselves a lot."

New research due to be published this spring reveals a very different picture of Britain's home educators. "Out of 297 families, 184 said that they never use a timetable," says Mike Fortune-Wood of Home Education UK. "Ninety per cent never or rarely use textbooks, and nearly all said that happiness, contentment and self-fulfillment were more important than academic achievement. Only 15% felt that planning what to learn was crucial."

So far, so good. But what, you might ask, are the children actually learning?

"It wasn't important to me that the girls could read by a certain age, but they both picked it up for themselves at around seven," says Robinson. "Weighing cooking ingredients uses maths, and making a shopping list teaches them to write. Observing five hens has taught the girls about survival of the fittest. "

But what about when the children grow up? Can they go to university? The home educators' answer is they can if they want to. There are a variety of routes into higher education, but probably the most common is to join a local college. This is what Gus Harris-Reid has done. "I was educated at home all my life. I'd never had a lesson or been inside a classroom until I started GCSEs," says the 18-year-old. "I'm now studying for 4 A-levels at Exeter College. I've had no problem with the work or with fitting in." When asked to reflect on his experience of home education, his considered response is, "Like a permanent holiday, really!" Not a bad start for someone who plans to take a mechanical engineering degree next year.

66. What is the topic of this article?

A. New ways of learning to read and write           B. Problems with UK schools

C. Home education in the UK                      D. Wild, undisciplined children

67. Why do the Robinsons not send their children to school?

A. They think schools control children too much.

B. They do not like the courses taught in schools.

C. They want to teach their children farming skills.

D. They live in a remote area where there are no schools.

68. According to the article, in homes with school-going children, ______.

A. mornings are rushed and stressful.   

B. the children hardly ever go outside.

C. the family wakes up around 8:30am.

D. the children must ask permission to go to the toilet.

69. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Most home educators believe that happiness is more important than good grades.

B. Most home educators believe that planning is important.

C. Most home educators do not follow a timetable or use textbooks.

D. Most home educators are not worried about when their children learn to read and write.

70. What does the article say about home-educated children getting into university?

A. They learn so many useful skills at home that universities are happy to accept them.

B. They can get into university if they have 4 A-levels.

C. They can go to school later and get the qualifications they need in order to enter university.

D. Home education is so relaxed that they are likely to experience problems when faced with the pressures of a degree course.

题型:单项选择题 B型题

如图是温度和压强对X+Y2Z反应影响的示意图。图中横坐标表示温度,纵坐标表示平衡混合气体中Z的体积分数。下列叙述正确的是(  )





题型:单项选择题 B型题

理财客户购买保险产品可以实现资产增值的理财目标。( )

题型:单项选择题 B型题

下列中国与美国、日本宪法有关国家制度的材料:材料1美国的“全部立法权,属于由参议院和众议院组成的合众国国会”。“行 * * 属于美利坚合众国总统”,“总统是合众国陆军、海军和应召为合众国服役的各州民兵的总司令”,“合众国的司法权,属于最高法院和国会不时规定和设立的低级法院。”“众议院和参议院通过的第一议案,在成为法律前应送交合众国总统。总统如批准方案,即应签署,如不批准,则应将议案连同其反对意见详细载入本院议事记录并进行复议。如经复议后,该院三分之二议员同意通过该议案,该议案连同反对意见应一起送交另一议院,并同样由该院进行复议,如经该院三分之二议员赞同,该议案成为法律。”                          ——摘自1887年美国宪法材料2“天皇是日本国的象征,是日本国民统一的象征,其地位,以主权所属的日本国民之意志为转移。” “天皇有关国事的一切行为,必须有内阁的建议与承认,由内阁负其责任”,“天皇根据国会的提名任命内阁 * * 大臣、最高法院法官”。“国会是最高国家权力机关,是国家惟一立法机关。”“行政属于内阁”,“内阁 * * 大臣经国会议决在国会议员中提名”,“内阁在众议院通过不信任案或信任案被否决时,如十日内不解散,众议院必须总辞职。”“一切司法权属于最高法院及由法律规定设置的下级法院。”                          ——摘自1946年日本宪法材料3“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民;人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会。”“全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。”全国人民代表大会及其常委会“行使国家立法权”。“中华人民共和国的国家机构实行民主集中制的原则。”“国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关都由人民代表大会产生,对它负责,受它监督。”                          ——摘自1982年中国宪法根据上述材料回答:(1)比较材料l、2,指出美国与日本政治制度的不同点和相同点。(2)材料I、2所体现的资产阶级国家 * * 组织形式的实质及其作用。(3)比较材料3与材料l、2,指出中国政治制度与美、日政治制度的不同及其根本原因。
