水面的蒸发速度取决于() A.温度 B.气压 C.饱和差 D.风









Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer
For i=0 To 50
If i>10 Then Exit For
End Sub
程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在文本框中显示的值是 ______。







    Elena jogged with her dad in some empty lots (小块地) at the edge of town. These out-of-the-way lots were

good places to jog. But the lots were fuIl of rocks and rubbish.

   One day, Elena saw a sign on the lots. It said, "New City Park." Elena was excited. Maybe the park would have

a jogging trail!

Elena told her parents about the sign.

    "I read about the park in the newspaper," said Elena's father. "The city wants volunteers to help clean the area. Then the city will build a soccer field and a playground."

    "Will they build a jogging trail?" Elena asked.

    "No,the paper didn't mention a jogging trail."

    "Well,perhaps if I help clean up the lots, they'll put in a jogging trail," said Elena.

    On Saturday Elena went to the lots. Many adults were working there.Some were picking up rubbish. Some

were moving rocks.

    "I want to volunteer, "Elena told a man."What can I do?"

    "This is not a job for children, "said the man."You'd better go home."

    Elena looked around.She could carry rubbish. She could move rocks. A lady was pulling a bag of rubbish.

Elena saw a box of rubbish bags. She took an empty bag.

    "I'll take this bag to the Dumpster," said Elena. "Here's a new bag."

    "Thanks," said the lady. "Keep those new bags coming."

    Elena dragged rubbish bags. She told everyone she was glad to help build the park. She explained that she

hoped the park would have a jogging trail. 

    Elena went to the area every week. Soon everyone knew her and she told everyone how wonderful a jogging

trail would be.

    Soon the volunteers cleared the lots. The city could start building.The mayor (市长) gave a speech. He showed

a drawing of the new park.He told them about the soccer field and the baseball diamond. There would be picnic

tables. There would be a playground. The park would even have basketball courts. There was no sign of a jogging

trail. The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they

wanted to build a jogging trail around the park. They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she

wanted a jogging trail.The mayor said, "A jogging trail won't be hard to build. Let's do it!" Everyone clapped and

cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all.

    The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they wanted

to build a jogging trail around the park.

    They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she wanted a jogging trail. The mayor said,  "A

jogging trail won't be hard to build. Let's do it!"

    Everyone clapped and cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all.

1. How did Elena feel at the beginning of the story?

A. Happy and proud.

B. Sad and shy.

C. Excited and hopeful.

D. Unhappy and disappointed.

2. How did Elena know the city needed volunteers to help clean the lots?

A. Her father told her about it.

B. She read it in the newspaper.

C. She learned it from a sign.

D. She was told by other volunteers.

3. Why did Elena want to help clean the lots?

A. She wanted to play on the playground.

B. She wanted her name in the newspaper.

C. She wanted to work with other volunteers.

D. She wanted the city to build a jogging trail.

4. Why did the volunteers tell the mayor they wanted to build a jogging trail?

A. They needed a park to jog around.

B. They wanted to thank Elena for her help.

C. They thought it was a good place for jogging.

D. They hoped the mayor could jog with them every day.

5. What can be the best title for the story?

A. Elena and a Mayor

B. Elena and New City Park

C. Elena and Some Volunteers

D. Elena and a jogging Trail


某工程项目通过公开招标的方式确定了三个不同性质的施工单位承担该项工程的全部施工任务,建设单位分别与A公司签订了土建施工合同;与B公司签订了设备安装合同;与C公司签订了电梯安装合同。三个合同协议中都对甲方提出了一个相同的条款,即建设单位应协调现场其他施工单位,为三公司创造可利用条件。合同执行过程中,发生如下事件: 事件1:A公司在签订合同后因自身资金周转困难,随后和承包商D公司签订了分包合同,在分包合同中约定D公司按照建设单位(业主)与A公司约定的合同金额的10%向A公司支付管理费,一切责任由D公司承担。 事件2:由于A公司在现场施工时间拖延5天,造成B公司的开工时间相应推迟了5天,B公司向A公司提出了索赔。 事件3:顶层结构楼板吊装完成后,A公司立刻拆除塔吊,改用卷扬机运材料作屋面及装饰,C公司原计划由建设单位协调使用塔吊将电梯设备吊上9层楼顶的设想落空后,提出用A公司的卷扬机运送,A公司提出卷扬机吨位不足,不能运送。最后,c公司只好为机房设备的吊装重新设计方案。C公司就新方案的实施引起的费用增加和工期延误向建设单位提出索赔。 问题: 1.事件1中A公司的做法是否符合国家有关法律规定其行为属于什么行为 2.事件2中B公司向A公司提出索赔是否正确如不正确,说出正确的做法。 3.事件3中C公司向建设单位提出的索赔是否合理理由是什么 4.根据《建设工程质量管理条例》的规定,工程承发包过程中的违法分包行为有哪些








项目投资现金流量表也称( )。




