Excel中利用工作组模式,可以完成()功能。 A.对多张工作表中相同区域进行格式设








     A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008.    1    people lost their lives and
homes. During those days, a lot of stories about    2    could be heard. Here is one of them. After the
earthquake,     3    a fallen building, some soldiers found that a    4    died in a very strange way. When
they were ready to take her away, they were surprised to find that a baby in her arms was    5    alive.
The baby was sleeping and   6    hurt at all. Between the dead mother _ 7    the living baby, there was a
mobile phone with a short    8    on the screen, "My dear baby, if you can survive , remember that I love
you." Everyboy    9     when they read these words.
     Besides this story, many other stories also moved us deeply.   10    these stories, we know more
about love. You're lucky if you're loved by others. You're great if you love others when you're in danger.
( )1. A.All
( )2. A. home
( )3. A. above
( )4. A. man
( )5. A. still
( )6. A. is
( )7. A. or
( )8. A. story
( )9. A. screamed
( )10. A. From
B. Many
B. life
B. below
B. woman
B. often
B. isn't
B. and
B. film
B. shouted
B. On
C. Few
C. love
C. under
C. boy
C. never
C. was
C. also
C. message
C. smiled
C. To
D. No      
D. hope    
D. through  
D. girl    
D. not      
D. wasn't
D. but      
D. song    
D. cried    
D. With    




















In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A, B, C and D) choices to complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. The time for this section is 70 minutes.

Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage.
To Err is Human
by Lewis Thomas
Everyone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $ 379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the wrong bills, utility companies write that they’re turning everything off, that sort of thing. If you manage to get in touch with someone and complain, you then get instantaneously typed, guilty letters from the same computer, saying, "Our computer was in error, and an adjustment is being made in your account."
These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents. Mistakes are not believed to be the normal behavior of a good machine. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key. The computer, at its normal best, is infallible.
I wonder whether this can be true. After all, the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain, vastly improved upon but nonetheless human, superhuman maybe. A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess, and some of them have even been programmed to write obscure verse. They can do anything we can do, and more besides.
It is not yet known whether a computer has its own consciousness, and it would be hard to find out about this. When you walk into one of those great halls now built for the huge machines, and standing listening, it is easy to imagine that the faint, distant noises are the sound of thinking, and the turning of the spools gives them the look of wild creatures rolling their eyes in the effort to concentrate, choking with information. But real thinking, and dreaming, are other matters. On the other hand, the evidence of something like an unconscious, equivalent to ours, are all around, in every mail. As extensions of the human brain, they have been constructed the same property of error, spontaneous, uncontrolled, and rich in possibilities.

The author uses his hypothesis that "computers represents an extension of the human brain" in order to indicate that ______.

A.human beings are not infallible, nor are computers

B.computers are bound to make as many errors as human beings

C.errors made by computers can be avoided the same as human mistakes can be avoided

D.computers axe made by human beings and so are their errors
