辨别中风闭脱二证主要在于下列除哪项外的几点根据:() A.目合口开与口噤不开 B.手

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

把下列带序号的句子组合成语意连贯的一段话,排序正确的一项是(  )

①踏着溪中的几块垫脚石过了溪,路旁有茅棚,住着一两家老百姓。 ②右手下坡去约十来步,就是一条小溪,水却不深。 ③棚子前门有一条小路,曲折向外,在松林中行,约数百米,便“豁然开朗”。 ④还有很多美丽的骨牌草,有的还是很青翠,有的已经很枯黄。 ⑤左手上坡去是一条较为正式的路,隔路又是一片松林,坡头长满了半人高的茅草。





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

In order to start a business online now, there are a few steps you need to complete.

The very first step you need to complete is to have a product or service idea. A good idea to make money online should be an idea that excites you, an idea that others will be interested in, and an idea that not many other people are trying.

Once you have your business ready to go, you need to go ahead and get a website. You will need to buy a domain name (域名) and host(托管) it with a company on the Web. Your domain name should be as simple as possible and it should be related to(与…有联系) your products. After this you can go ahead and get your site built up.

You can either do this yourself or you can pay someone else to do this. The site itself doesn’t have to be anything special.

The final step for starting your business online is to have a way to make money. For this, you need to have a merchant account(商业账户) that will let you sell things and make money. Your merchant account should accept as many forms of payment as possible.

Once your site is up and running, you can begin advertising the site. You need to create contents(内容), such as articles, social networking sites, blog entries, etc. and then you can post it on the Internet so that you can attract(吸引) as many potential(潜在的) customers as possible.

That’s how easy it is to start a business online now.Very soon you will be making money online.

36. The writer wrote this passage in order to tell us __________.

A. how to set up a website           B. how to start a business online

C. how to make some pocket money   D. how to become famous nowadays

37. According to Paragraph 2, a good idea to make money online probably should be an idea that ____.

A. you are not excited about            B. others will not be interested in

C. almost everyone knows             D. few people are trying

38. According to the writer, which of the following may NOT be something necessary to do?

A. Building up a website                B. Having a simple domain name

C. Making your site as special as possible   D. Hosting the domain name with a company on the Web

39. What’s the CORRECT time order of the steps in starting a business online?

a. advertise the site

b. Build up a website

c. Come up with a product idea

d. Buy a domain name

A. c-d-b-a    B. c-d-a-b   C. d-c-b-a    D. c-b-d-a

40. After reading the passage, we may know that _____________.

A. it costs no money to start a business online

B. not everyone is allowed(允许) to start a business online

C. you need to have as many merchant accounts as possible

D. it is better if the website domain name is related to the products you sell.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

产生职业病危害的用人单位,应当在醒目位置设置公告栏,公布有关职业病防治的( )。





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

