
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题







(5)R有多种氧化物,其中甲的相对分子质量最小。在一定条件下,2L的甲气体与0.5 L的氧气相混合,若该混合气体被足量的NaOH溶液完全吸收后没有气体残留,所生成R的含氧酸盐只有一种,则该含氧酸盐的化学式是____________。

(6)在298K下,Q、T的单质各1 mol完全燃烧,分别放出热量a kJ和b kJ。又知一定条件下,T的单质能将Q从它的最高价氧化物中置换出来,若此置换反应生成3mol Q的单质,则该反应在298K下的△H=

___________ (注:题中所涉单质均为最稳定单质)。

题型:问答题 简答题

According to a new study by Israel researchers from University of Haifa, posting blogs to express feelings and emotions is therapeutic for children aged 13-17. Psychology professors Meyran Boniel-Nissim and Azy Barak have found that a teenager writing a publicly-viewed blog on the Internet is more effective for relieving stress rather than keeping a private diary. The study, published in the journal Psychological Services, supports that expressing oneself through writing can be therapeutic.

To conduct the research, Boniel-Nissim and Barak randomly selected Israeli high school students who displayed a certain degree of stress. The teenagers were then divided into six groups. Two groups were asked to post blogs twice a week about their social difficulties, but only one of them was asked to open the blogs for comments. The next set of groups were also asked to blog twice a week to post about whatever was going on in their mind, again with one group allowing comments. The two control groups were asked to keep an old-fashioned private diary.

The researchers then collected the blog posts and diaries to discuss the adolescents’ emotional and social position. From the research, they saw that the greatest improvement in mood was with the bloggers who wrote about their personal troubles and allowed people to interact with their posts. The research also noted that the comments were mostly positive and constructive. Boniel-Nissim and Barak said that the commentators’ interactions helped the bloggers while they were distressed. The conclusive research noted that expressing yourself on the Internet not only let others know what was personally going on with you, but also helped you figure out some things about yourself too.

小题1:The underlined word “therapeutic” in Paragraph 1 can be best explained as “     ”.

A.attractive to teens

B.addictive for children

C.making people feel calm and relaxed

D.able to be easily hurt小题2:______________were selected for the research.

A.Those who blogged regularly.

B.Those who suffered from stress.

C.Those who had never blogged before.

D.Those who had poor social skills.小题3:The research shows that teens benefit most when       .

A.they blog and allow comments

B.they discuss their study on the blog

C.they keep a traditional diary

D.they comment on someone else’s blog小题4:We can infer from the last paragraph that blogging ___________.

A.should not always be opened to comments

B.is most useful in improving one’s mood

C.is not an effective way to express one’s feelings

D.can help students see their problems better

题型:问答题 简答题







题型:问答题 简答题


