





     Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is a modern and lively city with a population of over 345.000. 


     Canberra is the eighth largest city in Australia. It is 238 km from Sydney and 507 km from Melbourne

was once the capital of Austualia. Sydney people also wished to make their city the capital. It was difficult

for the government to make the decision. Then in 1911, the government chose a place to build the new

capital. It was between Sydney and Melbourne, the two largest cities. In 1927, the city was set up. It became

the capital and was named Canberra. "Canberra" means "a place for friends to get together."


     Canberra is a beautiful city with trees and flowers everywhere. There's a Flower Festival in September

each year. People can enjoy all kinds of beautiful flowers and welcome the spring to arrive. A man-made

like-lake. Bertey Griffin is in the center of the city. It's about 25 km long. People like to ride bikes, walk or

run around the lake. In Canberra, there're many famous universities like the Australian National University

and the University of Canberra. The National Library and the National Meseum of Australia are also famous

places that people like to visit.

1. How far is Canberra from Sydney?

A. 25km

B. 238km

C. 345 km

D. 507 km

2. The word "Canberra"means _____.

A. the largest city

B. a beautiful man-made lake

C. the old capital city

D. a place for friends to get together

3. Canberra Flower Festival is a festival _____.

A. ride lakes

B. visit Universities

C. welcome the spring

D. walk around the lake


超市的自动扶梯将乘客缓缓地载送上楼,下列说法正确的是 [ ]














Though it is mere 1 to 3 percent of the population, the upper class possesses at least 25 percent of the nation’s wealth. This class has two segments: upper-upper and lower-upper. Basically, the upper-upper class is the "old rich"—families that have been wealthy for several generations—an aristocracy of birth and wealth. Their names are in the Social Register, a listing of acceptable members of high society. A few are known across the nation, such as the Rockefellers, Roosevelts, and Vanderbilts. Most are not visible to the general public. They live in grand seclusion, drawing their income from the investment of their inherited wealth. In contrast, the lower-upper class is the "new rich". Although they may be wealthier than some of the old rich; the new rich have hustled to make their money like everybody else beneath their class. Thus their prestige is generally lower than that of the old rich, who have not found it necessary to lift a finger to make their money, and who tend to look down upon the new rich.

However its wealth is acquired, the upper class is very, very rich. They have enough money and leisure time to cultivate an interest in the arts and to collect rare books, painting, and sculpture. They generally live in exclusive areas, belong to exclusive social clubs, communicate with each other, and marry their own kind—all of which keeps them so distant from the masses that they have been called the out-of-sight class. More than any other class, they tend to be conscious of being members of a class. They also command an enormous amount of power and influence here and a broad, as they hold many top government positions, run the Council on Foreigh Relations, and control multinational corporations. The actions affect the lives of millions.

All the following statements are true EXCEPT that()

A. the upper-upper class is of aristocratic origin

B. the "old rich" enjoy higher prestige than the "new rich"

C. the "old rich" isolate themselves and lead a lonely life

D. the upper class owns at least a quarter of the country’s wealth
