齿轮泵的泄漏有三条途径()。A.轴向间隙 B.径向间隙 C.啮合处 D.安全阀









企业的IT管理工作有3层架构:IT战略规划、IT系统管理和IT技术及运作管理。 IT系统管理位于中间,起着承上启下的核心作用。IT系统管理是IT的高效运作和管理,而不是IT战略规划。IT战略规划关注战略层面的问题,IT系统管理是确保战略得到有效执行的战术性和运作性活动,两者的性质不同,目标也不同。




在窗体上画两个单选按钮,名称分别为Option1和Option2,标题分别为“黑体”和“楷体”;一个复选框,名称为Check1,标题为“粗体”。要求程序运行时, “黑体”单选按钮和“粗体”复选框被选中,则能够实现上述要求的语句序列是( )。

A.Option1.Value=True CheckValue=False

B.Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=True

C.Option2.Value=False Check1.Value=Tree

D.Option1.Value=Tree Check1.Value=1



     He met her at a party.She was so outstanding,  with many boysaround her,  while he was so normal,  

with nobody paying attention to him.

     At the end of the party,  he invited her to have coffee with him.She was surprised,  but due to being

polite,  she agreed.

     They sat in a nice coffee shop.He was too nervous to say anything,  and she felt uncomfortable,  

thinking,  "Please let me go home."

     Suddenly he asked the waiter,  "Would you please give me some salt?I'd like to put it in my coffee."

     Everybody stared at him-so strange!His face turned red,  but,  still,  he put the salt in his coffee and

drank it.

     She asked him curiously,  "Why do you have this hobby?"

     He replied,  "When I was a little boy,  I was living near the sea.I liked playing in the sea,  and I could

feel the taste of the sea,  just like the taste of the salty coffee.Now every time I have the salty coffee,  I

always think of my childhood.I miss my hometown so much.I miss my parents who are still living there."

     While saying that tears filled his eyes.She was deeply touched.That's his true feeling,  from the bottom

of his heart.A man who can tell out his homesickness,  he must be a man who loves home,  caresabout

home,  and has responsibility of home.

     Then she also started to speak about her faraway hometown,  her childhood,  and her family.That

was a really nice talk,  also a beautiful beginning of their story.

     They continued to date.She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands; he was

kindhearted,  warm and careful.He was such a good person but she almost missed him!

     Thanks to his salty coffee!Then the story was just like every beautiful love story-the princess married

the prince,  and then they were living a happy life...And,  every time she made coffee for him,  she put

some salt in the coffee.

     After 40 years,  he passed away,  leaving her a letter which said,  "My dearest,  please forgive my

whole life lie.This was the only lie I said to you-the salty coffee.

     "Remember the first time we dated?I was so nervous at that time.Actually I wanted some sugar,  but

I said salt.It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

     "I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life,  but I was too afraid to do that,  as I have promised

not to lie to you for anything.

     "Now I'm dying.I'm afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth:I don't like the salty coffee.What a strange

bad taste!But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!

     "Since I knew you,  I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.Having you with me is my biggest

happiness for my whole life.If I can live for a second time,  I still want to know you and have you for my

whole life,  even though I have to drink the salty coffee again."

     Her tears made the letter totally wet.

     Someday,  someone asked her,  "What's the taste of salty coffee?""It's sweet,  " she replied.

1. After ordering some salt to put into the coffee,  the young man must have felt________.

A. touched  

B. satisfied  

C. disappointed  

D. embarrassed

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Salt coffee is more delicious and sweeter than sugar coffee.

B. The man ordered the salt coffee in order to create a chance to date with the girl.

C. The man had to have salty coffee all his life to keep his word.

D. The woman hardly believed the man's explanation at their first date.

3. From the passage we can see that the man is________.

A. caring and kindhearted

B. shy and sly

C. dishonest but responsible

D. warm and understanding

4. It is implied in the passage that the woman________when reading the letter left by her husband.

A. was cheated by her husband's behavior

B. was touched by her husband's white lie

C. felt sorry to know the truth too late

D. felt angry about his dishonesty














