
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题
Garlic (大蒜) is one of the most common spices of the kitchen, and the good news is that growing garlic indoors is simple. Garlic can be easily grown at home from individual cloves (瓣), which is the most commonly used form of cultivating garlic than growing garlic from seeds. Here are some useful tips on growing garlic indoors.
Autumn is the best time to plant garlic. Garlic requires enough time to develop strong roots. In warmer climate, it can be delayed to late winter or early spring.
Ensure the container used to grow garlic is large enough for the roots to have enough space to grow. The larger the size of the container, the healthier and bigger the garlic bulbs (鳞茎) will be. The container should also have holes at the bottom so that the water can drain (流走) out easily.
Sow each clove vertically into the soil at a depth of one inch. Ensure that the blunt end (平端) is facing downward. In case of container gardening, the number of cloves to be sowed in each container depends on the size of the container. In case you are planning to sow more than one clove in each container, make sure that each clove is at least 5 inches apart from others.
For the best growth of the garlic plant, choose a sunny spot where there is enough air circulation (流通). This will aid evaporation (蒸发) of too much amount of water and prevent the soil from becoming too damp in case too much watering does occur. Window sill (窗台) is a good place to put your container of garlic plant.
Once the clove has been sowed, cover the soil with a layer of mulch (覆盖物) to protect the roots from extreme cold. Provide fertilizer at the correct time in right amounts, and proper watering. Once the garlic tips start appearing in the spring season, pull back the layer of mulch. Feed the plants once or twice every month with fertilizer.
 小题1: on growing garlic indoors.
● It’s best to plant garlic in   小题2:        
● In warmer climate, it’s also suitable to plant garlic in late winter or early spring.
● Be large enough to   小题3:  with enough space to grow.
● Have holes at the bottom to 小题4: the water to drain out easily.
● Sow each clove vertically into the soil one inch   小题5:        .
● Ensure that the blunt end is facing   小题6:   .
●Ensure that each clove is at least 5 inches apart from others in a container.
●Choose a sunny spot like window sill having enough   小题7:  to aid evaporation of too much amount of water.
●Cover the soil with a layer of mulch to   小题8: from extreme cold after sowing the clove.
● Provide right amounts of fertilizer at the correct time.
● Water the clove 小题9:           .
 小题10:   the layer of mulch once the garlic tips start appearing.
● Use fertilizer to feed the plants once or twice a month.
题型:问答题 简答题

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题型:问答题 简答题


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题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

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