








Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Today wasn’t a very good day for me. I usually get up at six o’clock, but this morning I didn’t get up         seven o’clock. I got dressed quickly and ate breakfast. It was so          that I ran all the way to the bus stop. Unfortunately, on the way I         down. My books and homework fell into the street. Papers went everywhere. At the bus stop, I waited and waited while lots of full         went by. I was so upset. At last one came but it was also full, and it went right past. But then it stopped a few yards away and someone        off. I ran wildly down the road and got the only spare seat.

At noon, I was very hungry, but I didn’t have         to buy lunch. My lunch money was at home on my desk. Then in math class, the teacher asked for my homework. I looked in my schoolbag, but my homework wasn’t there. Maybe I had lost         when fell down. The teacher punished me         making me clean the classroom after class.

My goodness, I finished        at last. When I put my things in my schoolbag and got ready to go home, I        my homework right at the bottom.



小题1:People have expressed themselves through the movements, steps, and rhythms of dance since the beginning of time. They have prayed and celebrated their victories through dance. People have mourned their dead and healed their sick through dance, the language of the body.

小题2:Today there are many kinds of dancing. For example, there is folk dancing, ballet dancing, and modern dancing. Modern dance, which began in the early 1900s, is a very expressionistic dance. Modern dancers follow no set pattern. Rather, they create their own movements to match the feeling they are trying to express. But modern dance means more than just self-expression.

小题3:Martha Graham is one of the world’s greatest modern dancers. As a young dancer, she studied with some of the founders of the modern dance movement. Influenced by many different kinds of dancing, Martha Graham developed her own personal dance style. She later formed her own dance company and school in the New York City. The following are some of her feelings about her art.

小题4:The modern dancer’s costume is an important part of his or her dance. There is always some reason why a dance costume should be a certain color or an outfit cut in a certain way. The reason comes out of the dance itself. Unlike a ballet costume, a modern dance costume is left of the dancers’ art except the pictures and the memories.

小题5:Dances come from something deep within a person. That something cannot be expressed with words--- it must be told through movement. Because dance expresses emotions, it affects the mind and the body. Dance should not be taken apart interpreted-dance must be experienced.


_____, he likes to collect birds' eggs.[ ]

A. In our surprise  

B. With surprise  

C. To our surprise  

D. With our surprise








