
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题


     John Thomas was an 18-year-old student, but he had been a famous champion. Everybody at Boston

University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was sorry. People

all over the country talked about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again?"

     John's mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his broken leg. Then she looked into

his eyes. She knew what her son would do. "You're going to jump again, John. I know it," she said.

"Everything will be all right."

     If John hoped to jump again, he would have a lot to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John

started to exercise. He used a wheel and other mental things. Soon his home looked like a machine shop!

     It was May when John left the hospital. "Is it all right if I go camping this summer?" He asked the


     "Yes," the doctor said. "But take it easy on that foot."

     John took only short walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot. But not on anything else. He went

swimming and did other kinds of exercise. He exercised until his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he

exercised a little more. In late summer John went back to hospital. He asked if he could practice with his

football team. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg strong again! He worked hard. "No one

pushed him as hard as he pushed himself," said one of his friends. "To see a champion fighting back is a

wonderful thing to watch."

1. What was John Thomas like? [ ]

A. He liked playing football.

B. He was quiet.

C. He was tall and strong.

D. He was a champion.

2. What was wrong with him? [ ]

A. He had an accident.

B. He was ill in hospital.

C. He couldn't jump any more.

D. His leg was broken.

3. Which of the following statements is WRONG? [ ]

A. He was cared by the people all over the country.

B. He worked hard to make himself strong again.

C. He liked a machine shop very much.

D. He went camping and did some exercise there.

4. What does the underlined sentence "when his body cried for a rest" mean? [ ]

A. His body often cries.

B. When his body was very tired.

C. He makes his body cry.

D. When his leg makes him tired.

5. We can guess that John Thomas was good at ______. [ ]

A. running

B. playing football

C. jumping

D. singing

题型:问答题 简答题







题型:问答题 简答题







题型:问答题 简答题


1. 我没有什么特别的事儿要做。  

     I have ____________.

2. 你愿意加入音乐俱乐部吗?  

     Would you like____________?

3. 为什么不出去散步呢?        

    ____________out for a walk?

4. 我非常厌烦这种炎热的天气。    

    I ____________ the hot weather.

5. 我厌倦了呆在家里无事可做。    

    I ____________ and ____________.

6. 我不知道做什么。              

    I have ____________.

7. 我花费了两个小时的时间在超市里买齐了所有的东西。

    It ____________ at the supermarket.

8. 天气预报说明天天气晴朗。      

    The weather report says ____________ tomorrow.

9. 第二天我们度过了一个晴朗的早晨。

     We have ____________ the next day.

10. 我们在河边找到了一处景色优美的地方。

      We ____________ by the river.

题型:问答题 简答题

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