(46)The climatic phenomenon that is bein



(46)The climatic phenomenon that is being blamed for floods, hurricanes and early snowstorms also deserves credit for encouraging plant growth and helping to control the pollutant linked to global warming, a new study shows.
E1 Nino—the periodic warming of eastern Pacific Ocean waters—causes a burst of plant growth throughout the world, and this removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, researchers have found.
(47)The new study shows that natural weather events,such as the brief warming caused by E1 Nino, have a much more dramatic effect than previously believed on how much carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and how much of the gas is expelled by the soil.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide, or CO2, has been increasing steadily for decades. This is thought to be caused by an expanded use of fossil fuels and by toppling of tropical forests. Scientists have linked the CO2 rise to global warming, a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. (48)Alarmed, nations of the world now are drawing up new conservation policies to reduce fossil fuel burning, in hopes of reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
But David Schimel of the National Center for Atmospheric Research,a co-author of the new study, says that before determining how much to reduce fossil fuel burning we should consider the effects of natural climate variations on the ability of plants to absorb CO2.
Schimel said satellite measurements of CO2, plant growth and temperature show that natural warming events such as E1 Nino at first cause more CO2 to be released into the atmosphere, probably as the result of accelerated decay of dead plant matter in the soil. But later, within two years, there is an explosion of growth in forests and grasslands, which means plants suck more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
" We think that there is a delayed response in vegetation and soil to the warming effects of such phenomena as E1 Nino, and this leads to increased plant growth, " said Schimel.
(49)However, he said, it is not clear whether the warming by E1 Nino causes a net decrease in the buildup of CO2 over the long haul. " We don’t really know that yet, " said Schimel. What the study does show, however, is that the rise and fall of CO2 in the atmosphere is ply influenced by natural changes in global temperature, said B. H. Braswell of the University of New Hampshire, another co-author of the study.
Braswell said that in years when the global weather is cooler than normal, there is a decrease in both the decay of dead plants and in new plant growth. This causes an effect that is the opposite of E1 Nino warming: CO2 atmosphere levels first decline and later increase.
(50) " I think we have demonstrated that the ecosystem has a lot more to do with climate change than was previously believed," said Braswell, " Focusing on the role of human activity in climate change is important, but manmade factors are not the only factors. \
















The definition of the standard kilogram is almost entirely wrong. Getting that definition right is a challenge that has tried the patience and intelligence of scientists for decades.

Scientists use just seven basic units to define all the other quantities we use — quantities such as speed or electric power. All of those basic units except the kilogram are themselves defined according to natural properties(属性)that are beyond human control.

For example, the standard second (time) is defined as a specific number of vibration(振动)of a type of radiation sent out by atoms of a special metal. The standard metre (length), in turn, is defined as the length of the path light travels under certain conditions.

Not so the kilogram. This orphan of the basic unit family is simply the mass of a small platinum-iridium alloy cylinder(铂—铱合金筒)locked away in a container maintained by the International Bureau of Weights & Measures in Sevres, France, near Paris. Official bodies around the world have copies of the cylinder.

Embarrassingly, the last time the copies were brought to Sevres for a checkup in the 1980s, officials found that some copies had gained about 20 parts per billion in weight compared to the master cylinder since the previous checkup in the 1940s. This implies that the master cylinder itself may be an inconstant standard.

Several efforts in several different countries are under way to redefine the kilogram according to basic physical quantities such as counting the actual number of atoms of a specific substance in a kilogram or the electromagnetic(电磁的)force that balances a kilogram mass against gravity. A project of the latter type at the laboratories in Gaithersburg, Md., hopes eventually to define mass by means of electrical units.

So far, none of these redefinition projects has borne fruit. They require the very accuracy of measurement and control of experimental conditions. The slightest influence — even a tiny change in weather — can ruin results. You’ve got to hand it to scientists who are willing to devote many years to such painstaking — but extremely important — research.

小题1: Compared with other basic units, the kilogram is ____.

A.as accurate as other basic units

B.not universally accepted in the world

C.not defined according to natural properties

D.defined in the same way as other basic units小题2:The author introduced the examination of copies of a platinum-iridium alloy cylinder in the 1980s to indicate that ____.

A.the causes of weight changes had been found

B.such kind of checks had been carried out regularly

C.the changes in weight challenged the definition of the kilogram

D.the consequences of such changes were great in research小题3: According to the passage, to define the weight of mass by means of electrical units ____.

A.is the only way to redefine the kilogram scientifically

B.has been accepted as the only possible redefinition project

C.is not as complicated as people understand

D.has been considered by some scientists as a better approach小题4: Which of the following cannot be concluded from the passage?

A.Scientists will achieve success in redefining the kilogram in the near future

B.Some scientists are trying to redefine the kilogram according to basic physical quantities.

C.The redefining of the standard kilogram is quite complicated and can be affected by a number of factors.

D.A number of experiments are being carried out to redefine the kilogram.




