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     New technology that can " see" through clothing and detect what 's underneath can now be used to scan

crowds, making it a potentially effective tool to prevent terrorist attacks in public places.

     The Thru Vision T5000 camera picks up Terahertz rays,or T-rays, which are naturally sent out by all

objects and can pass through clothes or even walls. The camera can then detect metallic and nonmetallic

objects hidden under clothing on still or moving subjects without showing any body detail.

     While similar technology is seen at airports around the world, the T5000 is designed to be used in large,

open areas. With a range of 25 meters, the T5000 can screen people in public places, thus avoiding

bottle-necks at border crossing or security checkpoints. It also means people can be screened without

knowing it.

     The technology develops from British astronomers ' work in studying dying stars. Astronomers use T-ray

cameras to see through dust and clouds in space. The company sees uses for its camera at other sites where

political or business activities take place.

     For privacy concerns,Thru Vision Chief Executive Clive Beattie said the image produced by the camera

did not show detailed parts of the body." It's almost a shining light bulb (灯泡)." Beattie said. "You don' t see

the detail that people might be concerned about." In London' s busy Piccadilly Circus-which is already filled

with closed-circuit surveillance (监视) cameras- reaction to the new technology was mixed. Some said the

camera was going too far and violating privacy,but others said they are willing to put safety before privacy

concerns." There ' s surveillance everywhere anyway," said one commuter. "I don' t think it' s much of a

difference. I don' t care that they can see through me because they can see me anyway."

     Some experts said the privacy violation of the camera was not worth the benefit. " What we should

consider is how much we want to lose our privacy in order to obtain a sort of national security," said David

Murakami Wood, director of the Surveillance Studies network,which deals with surveillance and privacy

problems." In most cases this isn' t real security-it 's a sense of safety that has very little real effect."

1. What can we learn about T5000?

A. It can detect metallic and nonmetallic objects underneath.

B. It can see through clothing or walls by sending out T-rays.

C. It was first used to observe stars by astronomers.

D. It is widely used at airports around the world.

2. What is the most probable purpose of the new invention?

A. To improve people ' s life standard.

B. For scientific research.

C. For commercial benefits.

D. For safety reasons.

3. Which is most probably the opinion of people on using the new camera?

A. Some agree to its use as it is new technology to protect privacy.

B. Some agree to its use because safety is the most important.

C. Some don' t agree to its use because it makes no difference.

D.Some people don' t care because they know little about it.

4. What' s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Safety is more important than privacy.

B. T5000 is more beneficial than harmful.

C. T5000 does not really provide security.

D. It's not worth giving up privacy for safety.


质量为m的物体,自高为h、倾角为θ的光滑斜面顶端由静止滑下,经历时间t到达斜面底端,到达斜面底端时的速度为v,物体刚滑到斜面底色端时,重力的功率是(  )






犯罪嫌疑人王诚,因涉嫌组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪、抢劫罪、走私罪和故意伤害罪被公安机关立案侦查。公安机关于1999年11月1日拘留犯罪嫌疑人王诚,王诚提出聘请律师,公安机关以涉嫌黑社会性质犯罪为由拒绝了王诚的要求。1999年12月6日人民检察院批准逮捕王诚,由于案情重大,经上级人民检察院批准,延长侦查羁押期限。公安机关于2000年 5月1日侦查终结,向人民检察院移送起诉。检察机关认为部分犯罪事实不清,证据不足,退回补充侦查。补充侦查完毕

人民检察院向人民法院起诉,人民法院对王诚的判决类型有哪些( )。






