Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend



Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight (16) before setting down. High desert winds had (17) the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be (18) the city for a few minutes waiting to (19) . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened (20) there might be a few bumps(颠簸). Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) (21) by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt (22) and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, that’ s not a good thing to have happen in a(n) (23) space because it only (24) to increase the discomfort of the situation.
About twenty minutes into the adventure, the entire airplane became very (25) There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be (26) noticed. Every passenger simply held on for dear life …except one. A (27) was having a good time! With each bump of the (28) , he would let out a giggle (咯咯地笑)of delight. As I observed this, I (29) that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his (30) . He neither thought about the past nor about the future. Those are what we gown--ups have learned from (31) . He was (32) the ride because he had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this, I took a deep breath and (33) back into my seat, pretending I was (34) on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even (35) to giggle once or twice, much to the chagrin(随恼) of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

What information can we get from the first passage

A.It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly

B.Planes go slower when they are moving with the wind

C.It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY

D.The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic


In WAR MADE EASY Norman Solomon demolishes the myth of an independent American press zealously guarding sacred values of free expression. Although strictly focusing on the shameless history of media cheerleading for the principal post World War II American wars, invasions, and interventions, he calls into question the entire concept of the press as some kind of institutional counterforce to government and corporate power.
Many of the examples compiled in this impeccably documented historical review will be familiar to readers who follow the news on the Internet. But such examples achieve fresh impact because of the way Solomon has organized and analyzed them. Each chapter is devoted to a single war hawk argument ("America Is a Fair and Noble Superpower," "Opposing the War Means Siding with the Enemy," "Our Soldiers Are Heroes, Theirs Are Inhuman"), illustrated with historical examples from conflicts in the Dominican Republic, E1 Salvador, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Kosovo, both Iraq wars, and others in which the media were almost universally enthusiastic accomplices.
The book should really be subtitled "War reporting doesn’t just suck, it kills. "it makes you feel like demanding a special war crimes tribunal for corporate media executives and owners who joined the roll-up to" shock and awe" as non-uniformed psywar ops. To be sure, this would raise the issue of whether or not following orders might suffice for the defense of obedient slaves such as Mary McGrory and Richard Cohen, who performed above and beyond the call of duty. "He persuaded me, " ncGrory gushed(热情洋溢地表达) the morning after Colin Powell addressed a plenary session of the United Nations on February 5, 2003, declaring that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. " The cumulative effect was stunning. "In the same Washington Post edition, Cohen wrote.
The evidence he presented to the United Nations—some of it circumstantial, some of it absolutely bone-chilling in its detail—had to prove to anyone that Iraq. not only hasn’t accounted for its weapons of mass destruction but without a doubt still retains them. Only a fool—or possibly a Frenchman—could conclude otherwise.
Solomon demonstrates how this kind of peppy prewar warm up degenerates into drooling and heavy breathing once the killing begins. As if observing a heavy metal computer game, the pornographers of death concentrate on the exquisite craftsmanship and visual design of the murder machines and the magnificence of the fiery explosions they produce.

What can be inferred about McGrory and Richard Cohen

A.Both were shocked by the news that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

B.Both publicly supported the US accusation of Iraq.

C.Both committed a special war crime.

D.Both defended the interests of those who were submissiv









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