药品监督管理部门可以行使的药品监督管理权有 A.对药品质量进行抽查检验 B.按规定抽










Some kids love handwriting, but others hate when it’s time to put their pen to paper. Maybe they are worried about their handwriting. Are you one of them?   小题1:  Here are five steps that really work!

Get a great grasp

Try this — hold your pencil at the top and try to write your name. Pretty hard? But when you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much easier.   小题2:  Hold it in place with your thumb, and your index (食指) and middle fingers.

Let the lines be your guide

Lined paper is your friend! Those lines can help you create letters that are the right size and proportion (均衡).    小题3:    Also be sure to fill up the lined space completely. Those capital letters should be from the bottom line to the top one.

Slow down

If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. If you rush, it’s hard to control where you stop and start your letters.

Lower the pressure

小题4:   That makes it harder to make the smooth lines. Try easing up and don’t hold the pencil too tightly.


Lots of games require you to write or draw pictures. So even though it’s not schoolwork, you’re still using the skills you need to control your pen better.

A.Play games

B.Ask for more advice

C.So “a” should be half the height of a capital “A”.

D.You’ve been writing since you were a little kid.E. Some kids press down really hard when they write.

F. The good news is that just about everyone can improve their handwriting.

G. The best way to hold a pen or pencil is to let it rest next to the base of your thumb.
















Of all the employed workers in the United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have______(1) they term "alternative employment arrangements." The government predicts that temporary staffing agencies______(2) experience growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase at the rate ______ (3), these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs by 2010. That’’s more than any______(4) industry.Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are______(5) to be the first to regain positions as the economy picks up and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because_______(6) offer flexibility and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are categorized as "independent contractors" instead of employees,______(7) allows the employer to avoid______(8) certain taxes. Because they are not required to offer benefits to temporary workers, companies can save a great deal of money by hiring temps. Usually, temporary workers can qualify_______(9) benefits if they work for a staffing company for a certain length of time. Most temps, however, do not continue with one company long______(10) to qualify for them because they regard the position as a step on the ladder to a______(11) position later.According to Richard Wahlquist, president of the American Staffing Association, 75_______(12) of temporary workers hope for transition out of the temporary staffing category______(13) a period of time. Wahlquist finds that temporary workers spend about 11 weeks on various assignments before their______(14) out of the temporary workforce. Many use temporary positions to gain experience and skills______(15) they move on to better jobs. Wahlquist says that the temp workforce as a whole turns______(16) 400 percent each year.Tom Dilworth, research director at the Employment Policies Institute, explains______(17) some workers like having temporary jobs______(18) it affords them a great deal of elasticity with time and everything. Some temps only have a limited______(19) of time to work and temp agencies can help coordinate jobs to fit their schedules. Other sometimes-employees use temporary jobs to get an______(20) to a company from the inside, to get a foot in the door of a certain business or career._______(21) others take temporary positions in hopes their employers will change them over to permanent positions eventually.Nearly all the industries in the United States use temporary workers.______(22) to Tim Costello, coordinator of the North American Alliance for Fair Employment, the growth of temporary labor threatens______(23) job security of permanent workers who fear replacement, as well as the temps who are more accustomed to turnover. He predicts that there will continue to______(24) a gradual shift from permanent employees to contingent staffing, and that such a_____(25) in workplace demographics will "lead to lower wages, poorer working conditions, and more instability."


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