下列指标中,用以反映出售型房地产投资项目盈利能力的指标有( )。 A.债款偿还期



下列指标中,用以反映出售型房地产投资项目盈利能力的指标有( )。







He looks __________. Give him something__________.

A.tired; to eat

B.angry; to drink

C.hungry; to eat

D.worried; to do






Did you know it takes 21 days to form a good habit? Research shows that when you “stick to something” for three weeks you are more likely to reach your goals. This is important for language learners or anyone who wants to make a change.

People who try something new often “fall off the wagon”. Whether it is a plan to lose weight or a decision to learn something, life often gets in the way. Those who make up their minds to learn English are more likely to succeed if they have a short-term goal at the beginning.

How to make learning English a habit:

Set a specific goal

Example: Break up the four main skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and plan to do one hour of practice in each area at the same time every day.

Find a learning partner

Choose a friend to keep you moving towards your goal. Your friend doesn’t need to be a language learner. He can be someone who wants to start exercising. He can be someone who wants to write a novel. It is best if you both have a goal.

Write out how your life will change when you reach your goal

If I improve my English, I will be able to get a better job.

If I take the TOEFL test, I will be able to get into university.

If I improve my pronunciation, my customers will understand me.

Keep track of your progress

Keep track of your effort in a notebook or online list. Share your progress list with your partner.

When you reach 21 days, reward yourself! Go out for a dinner or a movie or buy yourself a treat. It will be easier to stay on your program now that you are in the habit. If you ever fall off again, put yourself back on the 21-day challenge.

65. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Life sometimes makes people give up their plans or decisions.

B. An English learner should find a language learner as a partner.

C. A long-term goal is of importance in forming a good habit.

D. It is necessary to spend an hour on each language skill every day.

66. Why does the author advise an English learner to reward himself when he reaches 21 days?

A. Because he should share his progress with his partner.

B. Because he has had a good knowledge of English.

C. Because he would put himself on another 21-day challenge.

D. Because he has formed a good habit of learning English.

67. The best title of the passage would be “________”.

A. Taking 21 days to form a good habit

B. A research on learning English

C. Make learning English a habit

D. Setting a goal in life


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