
题型:问答题 案例分析题


美国在线与时代华纳合并引发的文化冲突?2000年1月,美国在线与时代华纳宣布合并组建成世界最大的跨媒体集团。有人说,美国在线为时代华纳安上了腾飞的翅膀,时代华纳则成为美国在线飞跃的发动机。但事实上,二者的合并并不成功。原因很多,其中合并引发企业文化冲突是一个重要的因素。 美国在线是现代媒体的代表,时代华纳是传统媒体的老将,两家企业的经营方式与企业文化存在较大差异。再加上集团管理层缺乏跨行业管理及整合的经验,双方一直存在着隔阂与冲突。 合并之初,美国在线的股东持有新集团55%的股份,其管理人员在新集团中占据了主要领导位置,就好像美国在线吞并了时代华纳。时代华纳的员工痛恨美国在线的同事,美国在线的人开始时还能反唇相讥,但随着美国在线亏损越来越大,他们也越来越抬不起头来。 此外,美国在线时代华纳的管理层一直不稳定。特别是前首席运营官、美国在线首席官皮特曼辞职后,集团调整为媒体传播和娱乐广播两部分。美国在线事实上成为集团下属的媒体传播分部下的一家子公司。在这种情况下,许多皮特曼的老部下纷纷离任,美国在线的很多中高层管理人员也因为觉得没前途而辞职。 内部矛盾对合并效果造成极大的消极影响。美国在线时代华纳本来把跨媒体广告业务当作“摇钱树”,但其实他们最大的广告客户就是自己,美国在线只是充当了时代华纳各种产品的在线市场的推广机器。而对外部客户,各个媒体各自的广告部门却根本不能从大局出发而合作,只知道为本部门的利益而争斗,结果效率低下,广告效果也不好,客户在合同到期时自然不愿续约,或者只和各部门单独签订合同,或者大幅度缩减合同金额。另外,美国在线的网络服务与内容服务未能有机结合,盈利模式单一。网络公司需要通过开展多样化的业务,收取多种服务费用。然而,美国在线的收入来源仍以网络介入为主。虽然旗下有网景、即时信息系统等知名的软件,但这些软件大都是免费发放的。



题型:问答题 案例分析题

     Look at the picture of my family. The man in black is my father. The woman (女人) in yellow is my

 mother. They are teachers. My father is a math teacher, and my mother is an English teacher.

     The girl in a yellow dress is my sister. She is nine. I am thirteen. I am a student. My name is Wang

 Peng. You can see I'm in a white sweater in the picture. ?

1. Wang Peng's father is _____?

    A. in blue

    B. an English teacher

    C. in green

    D. a math teacher

2. Wang Peng's mother is _____?

    A. in red

    B. in white

    C. in yellow

    D. in black?

3. Wang Peng's sister is _____?

    A. seven  

    B. five

   C. nine 

   D. four

4. Wang Peng is _____ ?

    A. student

    B. in a brown coat

    C. a student

    D. in a red coat?

5. Wang Peng's father and mother _____.

    A. are two teachers

    B. are all teachers

    C. are in red

    D. are in black?

题型:问答题 案例分析题


题型:问答题 案例分析题



题型:问答题 案例分析题


题型:问答题 案例分析题

I am honored to be here today, (1) Harvard at this celebration of the College Board’s half century of working to promote (2) and equal opportunity in higher education.
Before I say anything else, I want to thank everyone in the room for the work you do every day to make college (3) , available, and (4) for millions of young people across the country.
I want to focus my remarks on a matter of (5) to American familiesand to the future of the nation -- restoring education to its proper role as a (6) to equal opportunity and (7) in our society.
This has been an (8) in higher education, with great and creative efforts made by many institutions. Earlier this year, we announced a new (9) at Harvard aimed at the students from families of low and (10) income. Under our new program, families with incomes of (11) will no longer be expected to contribute to the cost of attending Harvard for their children. Families with incomes of less than $ 60,000 will also see their (12) reduced.
We are proud of this effort at Harvard, but we are aware that the programs of individual institutions with means can never be a substitute for our shared (13) to provide adequate funding for Pell grants and other financial aid, and for the state and community college systems that make higher education (14) and affordable for the (15) .
There is something empty about (16) initiatives that may be right for one institution without attention to their broader impact. (17) , we (18) if we urge changes in national policy without doing what we can on our own campuses.
In this spirit, I want to (19) today a problem that is emerging with (20) in this nation.
