股骨颈骨折与股骨粗隆间骨折最大的区别是()。 A.年龄 B.下肢畸形 C.功能障碍

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题
       每一竿翠竹,都有对家园的挚爱,它们守持故土,不为疾风流云所动。每一竿翠竹,都是威武不屈的英雄,富贵不yín的丈夫,贫贱不移的君子,它们忠zhēn 其志,不改其节。(选自央视2003电视散文《翠竹清音》)
题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

Many of the world’s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into the cities. Supply for the needs of the people leads to further pollution by industry. If the rapid increase of world population in countries continues at the present rate, there may be much greater harm to human beings. Some scientists speak of the increase in numbers of people as “population pollution.”

About 2,000 years ago, the world population was probably about 250 million. It reached a billion in 1850. By 1930 the population was two billion. It is now three and a half billion. It is expected to double by the year 2,000. If the population continues to grow at the same rate, there will be 25 billion in the world a hundred years from now.

Man has been using the earth’s resources more and more rapidly over the past years. Some of them are almost used up. Now many people believe that man’s greatest problem is how to control the growth of the population. The material supplies in the world will be far from enough to support the human population, in time to come, if the present rate of increase continues. Already there is overcrowding in many cities and starvation in some countries. Should man’s population keep on growing so rapidly as before? Many people believe that human survival in the future depends on the answer to this question.

59. The rapid increase in population is considered to be __________.

A. the increase of resources          B. population pollution

C. the development of mankind       D. the present rate

60. The world population will be _________ by the year 2,000.

A. 7 billion                  B. 250 million       C. 25 billion      D. 3.5 billion

61. If the present rate of increase continue, ________________.

A. the world is going to end

B. the earth won’t be able to support the growing population in the future

C. pollution has nothing to do with the rapidly increasing population

D. there would be four billion in the world a hundred years from now

62. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. In 1850 the world population reached a billion.

B. Man must fight a battle against population pollution.

C. The world’s population is increasing with years.

D. All of the earth’s resources are gone now.
