
题型:单项选择题 案例分析题








题型:单项选择题 案例分析题







题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

改错题(14分) 【题目】 本程序的功能是:找出100~999之间的十进制数为升序数,且其对应的八进制数也是升序数的整数。所谓升序数,是指该数的十位数字值大于个位数字值,百位数字值大于十位数字值。 Option Explicit Private Sub CmdFind_Click()Dim n As Integer,s8 As StringFor n=100 To 999 s8=d2Q(n) If sx(n) And sx(Val(s8)) Then List1.AddItem n & "D==>" & s8 & "Q" End IfNext n End Sub Private Function d2Q(n As Integer) As StringDim p As IntegerDo p=n Mod 8 d2Q=d2Q & CStr(P) n=n\8Loop Until n=0 End Function Private Function sx(ByVal n As Integer)As BooleanDim num() As Integer,k As Integer,t As IntegerDim i As Integert=Len(CStr(n))ReDim num(t)For k=1 To t num(k)=Val(Mid(CStr(n),k,1))next kFor i=1 To UBound(num)-1 If num(i)>=num(i+1) Then Exit ForNext isx=True End Function【要求】1.新建工程,输入上述代码,改正程序中的错误。2.改错时,不得增加或删除语句,但可适当调整语句的位置。3.将窗体文件和工程文件分别命名为F1和P1,并保存到T盘根目录下。

题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

Ты сам виноват. Жаловаться (никто, некто).

题型:单项选择题 案例分析题






题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .

Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .
