下面所列哪种人员为项目提供资源和支持,负责为项目成功创造条件?() A.项目干系人
















When Paul was a boy growing up in Utah, he happened to live near a copper smelter(炼铜厂), and the chemicals that poured out had made a wasteland out of what used to be a beautiful forest. One day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area. Paul knocked him down. From then on, something happened inside him.

Years later Paul was back in the area, and he went to the smelter office. He asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees back. The answer from that big industry was “No.”

Paul then went to college to study the science of plants. Unfortunately, his teachers said there weren't any birds or squirrels to spread the seeds. It would be a waste of his life to try to do it. He was told everyone knew that even if he was knowledgeable as he had expected, he wouldn't get his idea accepted.

Paul later got married and had some kids. But, his dream would not die. And then one night he did what he could with what he had. Under the cover of darkness, he went secretly into the wasteland and started planting.

And every week, he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and grass. For fifteen years he did this against the plain common sense. Slowly rabbits appeared. Later, as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment, the company actually hired Paul to do what he was already doing.

Now the place is fourteen thousand acres of trees and grass and bushes, and Paul has received almost every environmental award Utah has. It took him until his hair turned white, but he managed to keep that impossible vow(誓言) he made to himself as a child.

小题1:When Paul was a boy, _________.

A.he had decided never to leave his hometown

B.the economy of Utah depended on the copper smelter

C.he had determined to stop the copper smelter polluting the area

D.no laws were made to protect the environment against pollution小题2:Why did Paul go to college to study the science of plants?

A.He wanted to find out the best way to save the area himself.

B.He was interested in planting trees since he was young.

C.He wanted to get more knowledgeable people to help him.

D.He thought his knowledge would make his advice more persuasive.小题3:What does the underlined phrase “the plain common sense” in paragraph 5 probably refer to?

A.That his normal work and life would be greatly affected.

B.That it was impossible for trees to grow on the wasteland.

C.That no one would like to join him in the efforts.

D.That he had to keep everything he did secret.小题4:The message of the passage is that ___________.

A.perseverance(持之以恒) will work wonders

B.action speaks louder than words

C.God helps those who help themselves

D.many hands make light work.


某市公安局认真学习公安会议精神,深入贯彻“五条禁令”,保证公安工作的原则、路线、方针和政策得以顺利执行。体现了公安工作( )方面的内容。







表5-1 某公司生产线改造项目有关数据

现状数据 无项目数据 有项目数据(更新改造后的预计数据) 新增数据 增量数据
年工资及福利费 20000 同现状 2000 -18000
年运营维护费用 8500 6800 -1700
年残次品损失 7200 1800 -5400
旧设备当初购买成本 60000(资产原值)
预计使用寿命 10年 5年 5
已经使用年限 5年 0
预计净残值 0 0
折旧年限及方法 10年 5年 5
旧设备当年市值 12000 -12000
更新改造投资 69500 69500



