
题型:单项选择题 案例分析题








题型:单项选择题 案例分析题
1.  The banana is __________ the box. (in, out)
2.  The apple is __________ the box. (in, out) 
3.  The apple is on the __________ (right, left). 
题型:单项选择题 案例分析题


    Each of us would like to be trusted by parents, because we all want to get freedom. Parents are more likely

to give us our freedom if they trust us. If you want your parents to trust you more, you have to show them

through your actions. 

    Let your parents know what's going on at school and with your friends. If you truly can be trusted, then

you have nothing to hide, right? Keep your bedroom door open when you are back. Do not be crazy when they

see what you are looking at on the Internet. Invite your friends to your house to meet your parents.

    When you do something wrong, it can break trust. Broken trust takes a long time to rebuild.

    It's not easy dealing with your parents when you've broken their trust. But, it can be done. It's not talking

about groveling (低声下气) and sweet-talking them into trust. I'm talking about getting them to respect you


    I find it easy to make the mistake of no telling my parents things I've done wrong, hoping they won't find

out. There are lots of reasons:

    I don't want to get into trouble;

    I don't want them to be disappointed or get mad at me;

    I don't want to lose their trust;

    I don't think they will ever find out.

    And the list goes on and on. But they find out somehow, and then you're in hot water. Of course, even if

Mom and Dad never find out, you still know about.

     Most parents will respect you more for coming to them and telling them yourself. Doing so shows honesty,

responsibility and maturity (成熟). If you can't tell them face to face, you can try writing a note.

    Trust can't be built in a day or even a week, but you can gradually do things to help your parents build trust

in you.

1. What would children like to get from their parents according to the passage? [ ]

A. Money.

B. Freedom.

C. Love.

D. Clothes.

2. What should you do if your parents don't trust you according to the passage? [ ]

A. Talk to them in a sweet voice.

B. Tell them not to be disappointed.

C. Introduce your friends to them.

D. Get their respect and trust by actions.

3. What's the meaning of the phrase "in hot water"?[ ]

A. 在热水里

B. 遇到麻烦

C. 想喝热水

D. 洗热水澡

4. Which of the following is TRUE? [ ]

A. It's easy for children to tell their parents the things they have done wrong.

B. The parents will respect and trust you more if you tell them yourself.

C. Trust can be built soon if children make mistakes.

D. Parents never believe their children if trust is broken.

5. The best title of the passage is _____. [ ]

A. Parents Should Respect Children

B. Children Want More Freedom

C. How Can Children Be Trusted Again

D. How Can Children Get out of Trouble

题型:单项选择题 案例分析题


题型:单项选择题 案例分析题







题型:单项选择题 案例分析题






