
题型:问答题 论述题



题型:问答题 论述题

“当今已进入一个前所未有展示个性的时代。女性着装不仅仅是美丽的展示,更是生活态度的表达。什么场景下穿什么服装,什么心情下做什么打扮。”对出于展示个性目的而进行的消费行为认识正确的是 [ ]

①这种消费纯粹是个人的私事,不必大惊小怪 ②这种消费可以推动新工艺和新产品的出现 ③展示个性一定要考虑社会的认可和消费的代价 ④为显示与众不同而过分标新立异不值得提倡





题型:问答题 论述题
                                                           Ain’t What I Used to Be
     It has been said, "Be contented with what you have, but never too__1__with what you are." There is
a story about a farmer who saw a tiger’s tail__2__between two large rocks.In a hurry, he seized the tail
and__3__. All of a sudden he realized he had an angry tiger by the__4__and only two__5__stood
between him and the tiger's teeth and claws! So there he remained, __6__to loosen his hold on the__7__
animal's tail in case he will surely be killed.
     A monk happened to go by and the farmer called out in__8__, "Come over here and help me.__9__
this tiger!"
     The monk said, "Oh, no. I cannot do that. I cannot take the__10__of another." Then he went on to
deliver a long__11__against killing. All the while, the farmer was holding__12__to the tail of the angry
tiger. When the monk finally finished his__13__, the farmer asked, "If you won't kill the tiger, then__14__
come and hold its tail while I kill it."
     The monk thought that perhaps, it would be all right to__15__hold the tiger's tail, so he__16__and
pulled.The farmer, however, turned and walked away down the road.
     The monk__17__after him, "Come back here and kill the tiger!"
     "Oh, no," the farmer replied. "You have__18__me!" If the largest room in the world is "room for
improvement", then it is good to leave__19__of room for change. A life of change! A life of growth! And
always leaving room for__20__.
     It's the only way to live.
( )1. A. relaxed      
( )2. A. waving      
( )3. A. cut          
( )4. A. head      
( )5. A. trees        
( )6. A. afraid      
( )7. A. wild        
( )8. A. surprise    
( )9. A. feed        
( )10. A. life        
( )11. A. message    
( )12. A. loosely    
( )13. A. blame      
( )14. A. at least    
( )15. A. basically  
( )16. A. refused    
( )17. A. ran        
( )18. A. frightened  
( )19. A. plenty      
( )20. A. rest        
B. excited  
B. dropping
B. examined
B. ear      
B. rocks    
B. read y  
B. big      
B. fear    
B. save    
B. wealth  
B. teaching
B. securely
B. work    
B. at most  
B. simply  
B. hesitated
B. laughed  
B. changed  
B. much    
B. sleep    
C. ontented  
C. urning    
C. ulled      
C. rm        
C. ills      
C. ager      
C. ngry      
C. erson      
C. atch      
C. hing      
C. rayer      
C. ightly    
C. eal        
C. fter all  
C. ardly      
C. greed      
C. omplained  
C. elped      
C. ess        
C. mprovement
D. surprised    
D. trembling    
D. appreciated  
D. tail          
D. fences        
D. anxious      
D. hungry        
D. order        
D. kill          
D. heart        
D. information  
D. closely      
D. lesson        
D. first of all  
D. mainly        
D. arranged      
D. shouted      
D. comforted    
D. more          
D. relaxation    
题型:问答题 论述题



题型:问答题 论述题


题型:问答题 论述题






