确定带电作业安全距离的步骤:() A.首先应计算出系统可能出现的最大大气过电压幅值和









— What did your father do last holiday?

— He _____________ football last holiday. [ ]

A. play

B. plays

C. played


墙上竖直悬挂着一面时钟,桌子上水平放置一块平面镜,时钟在平面镜里所成的像如图所示,那么现在的实际时间是(  )









     Besides giving off gases and dusts into the air, humans produce waste that is poured on the

environment. Often, this waste produced by major industries and people is harmful to both nature

and human life.

     One of the main causes of the large amount of dangerous waste is that people do not realize

how large a problem it is. Because it can be simply removed and sent to a landfill(废渣填埋场),

the problem is often believed to end there. In addition, industries have often shown an unwillingness

to find ways to deal with dangerous waste because of the related expenses. Many industries and

governments build simple landfills to store waste, and often just pour waste chemicals into nearby

bodies of water. Often, chemicals used for industrial production cause dangerous forms of waste.

The amount of these chemicals has increased greatly in the past, but it is often difficult and expensive

to get rid of these chemicals or to store them in a way safe to human life and the environment.

     Every year, major health problems result from dangerous waste. Sadly, it is often only after

someone has died or become seriously ill that governments will take measures to reduce levels of

harmful waste.

     Some governments have realized how serious the dangerous waste problem is and are now trying

to settle this problem. They are also trying to limit the amount of waste industries are allowed to


     Not only governments but ordinary people as well must work together to solve the problem.

They can choose not to buy those products which require the production of dangerous waste, and

produce less harmful waste themselves. Many scientists think that waste production can be cut. The

waste can be reduced by at least one third using existing technologies and methods.

1. What would be the best title for the text ?

A. Measures of Reducing Dangerous Waste

B. Danger of Harmful Waste to Mankind

C. Dangerous Waste and Water Pollution

D. Environmental Protection

2. According to the text, people ________.

A. do not produce harmful waste in their daily life

B. do not know where to place the dangerous waste

C. are not clear about how serious the dangerous waste problem is

D. are not sure about where harmful waste ends

3. What troubles industries most in dealing with the dangerous waste problem?

A. How to get government support.            

B. How to increase their production.

C. How to store harmful waste.              

D. How to cut down the related costs.

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The polluting industries are not allowed to sell their products.

B. Present technologies have settled the harmful waste products.

C. Everyone should obey the government rules for the problem.

D. To solve the problem requires the efforts of the whole society.


将教育方针表述为“教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体等方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。”的是( )



C.《中 * * 关于教育体制改革的决定》

