含碳量较高的钢材()性能较好。 A.屈服强度 B.抗拉强度 C.硬度 D.冷弯 E.












I stopped at a grocery store the other day because I was about to go on a long drive and I wanted to buy my favorite beverage for the trip. It wasn’t the store I normally go to, just one I passed along the way.

As I walked up to the entrance, I noticed a man and a boy who was about 10 or 12 years old standing at the front of the store. Customers walked past, as the man handed them half-sheets of white paper. I walked up to them with curiosity, wondering what cause they were representing. As I got closer, I saw that they had two carts starting to fill with groceries.

I said hello and the man greeted me and handed me one of the pieces of paper, explaining that they were collecting donations for the local food pantry. On the paper was a simple list of food items: peanut butter, noodles, pasta sauce, canned fruits and vegetables. It also included a short story about the boy and his efforts to collect food donations since the age of 8. I was really touched that someone so young would be so interested in helping others. I told him it was an awesome idea and that he should be proud of himself. He smiled.

Then, I went inside to get my drink. Unfortunately, the store didn’t have it in stock. But, I wasn’t upset, because by then I felt I had another mission. I went through the store, picking things from the list, then brought them back out to the boy and put them in the cart. I also gave the man the white sheet of paper back to reuse for another customer. They thanked me and offered me a treat (candy, I think) but I said to pass it on to someone else.

As I walked back to my car, the boy’s well-intentioned spirit stuck with me. How inspiring to encounter a young boy with a resolve to do good deeds, and the courage to act on it. It made my day!

小题1:What do we know from the passage?

A.The author wasn’t a regular customer to the store.

B.The store was owned by the man and the boy.

C.The store didn’t deal in drinks.

D.The author refused their treat because he didn’t need it.小题2:What does the author mainly want to tell readers in paragraph 4?

A.He didn’t get his drink

B.He carried out another mission.

C.He got thanks and was offered a treat

D.He wasn’t upset though not getting his drink.小题3:What’s the best title for the passage?

A.A Day for a Boy.

B.A Young Boy’s Determination.

C.An Inspiring Boy.

D.A Young Boy’s Groceries.小题4:We can infer from the description of the author that the boy is _______.




















Mass Protest Decries Bush Abortion Policies


by Deborah Zabarenko
WASHINGTON (Reuters)—Protesters crowded the National Mall on Sunday to show support for abortion rights and opposition to Bush administration policies on women’s health issues in one of the biggest demonstrations in US history.
There was no official crowd count, but organizers claimed more than 1 million people participateD.
Pink-and purple-shirted protesters raised signs reading "Fight the Radical Right", "Keep Abortion Legal" and "US Out Of My Uterus" and covered the Mall from the foot of Capitol Hill to the base of the Washington Monument.
Speakers ranged from actresses Whoopi Goldberg, Ashley Judd and Kathleen Turner to philanthropist Ted Turner, feminist icon Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
Goldberg raised a wire coat hanger—a symbol of illegal abortions in the days before the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling recognizing abortion rights—and told the crowd, "We are one vote away from going back to this!"
She was referring to the nine-member high court, which has frequently decided abortion- related cases on a five-four vote.
The abortion issue was the centerpiece of the march’s broad protest against the policies of President Bush, including his stance on funding international family planning. No US funds may be used for any family planning agency that mentions abortion to patients.
"Vote That Smirk Out of Office," was a characteristically political placard targeting Bush, but Dorothy Smith, 76, of Eldridge, Missouri, carried an emblem she made herself—a wire coat hanger draped with a sign reading "Never Again. "
"I can remember when abortion was just as common as it is now, but it killed a lot of women," Smith saiD.
Major sponsors included stalwarts of the abortion rights movement______NARAL Pro-Choice America, Feminist Majority, National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood Federation of America—as well as the American Civil Liberties Union, the Black Women’s Health Imperative and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health.
Some 1,400 groups attended the event, including an international contingent with marchers from 57 countries. There were medical students who carried signs saying they planned to be the next generation of abortion providers, and there was a Texas group marching behind a banner that read, "Old Broads for Choice. "
As the march wound from the Mall toward the White House and then turned onto Pennsylvania Avenue and toward Capitol Hill, abortion rights groups encountered antiabortion protesters.
These protesters carried posters showing photographs of fetuses at eight weeks gestation and signs reading "Abortion kills Babies. "
March organizers claimed double the turnout of the last big abortion rights march in 1992, which drew 500,000, according to the US Park Police, who no longer gives official crowd counts. The biggest demonstration was an anti-Vietnam War rally in 1969, which drew 600,000. The largest gathering on the National Mall was the 1976 US bicentennial celebration.
Though the march was billed as nonpartisan and included a contingent called Republicans for Choice, much of the day’s rhetoric was plainly aimed at Bush, a Republican who opposes abortion in most cases.
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry vowed on Friday to champion abortion rights if electeD.He received the endorsement of Planned Parenthood’s Action Fund, the organization’s political fund-raising ann.
Neither Bush nor Kerry attended the march, but US Sen. Hillary Rodham Cfinton, a New York Democrat and former first lady, drew roars of approval when she exhorted the crowd to register to vote. Volunteers were on hand to register new voters.
Bush addressed an anti-abortion march in January, saying the effort to overturn the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, which recognized a right to abortion, was "noble cause. \

Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage

A.The crowd consisted of people who were against Bush’s anti-abortion policy.
B.The crowd consisted of people both for and against Bush’s anti-abortion policy.
C.In the march there was a group of people from or supporting the Republican Party.
D.The general message of the demonstration was opposing the Republican government’s policies on women’s health issues.
