一血胸患者的X片显示仅有肋膈角变钝,则其出血量大约为:() A.<100 ml B.




A.<100 ml

B.<500 ml

C.500~1 000 ml

D.>1 000 ml




某课外小组的同学自制了一只电烙铁,这只电烙铁正常工作时的电阻是484Ω,它 的额定电压是220V,则它的额定功率是____W,通电10分钟产生_____J的热量








有一栋四层公寓,每层建筑面积相等,已知第二层的房地价值为第一层的1.05倍,第三层的房地价值为第四层的1.15倍,第四层的房地价值为第二层的91%。按房地价值分摊法计算得出第三层占有的土地份额约为27%。( )



     Earlier this month, the Obama Administration called for increasing protection of the world's most

southern continent, Antarctica. Scientists say climate change and human activities have increasingly led

to the melting of massive pieces of Antarctic ice. The disappearance of ice will not only affect wildlife

in the area such as seals and penguins. The melting will also cause oceans and seas around the world

to rise.

     This represents a major threat, especially to coastal areas. For example, the ancient city of Venice,

Italy has long been threatened by rising sea levels. The situation is made worse by the fact that its

ancient buildings, built on a body of water called a lagoon(淡水湖), are slowly sinking. When the city

was founded about 1,600 years ago, the level of the Adriatic Sea was almost two meters lower than it

is today.  

     Rising sea levels are not the only threat. The salty water is also destroying Venice's famous buildings

and artworks. The Italian government is trying to fix the problem with the construction of a

seven-billion-dollar system of moving flood barriers.  

     Climate change is also leading to the melting of ice in other areas, such as Mount Kilimanjaro in

northeastern Tanzania. It is the highest point in Africa, measuring almost 6,000 meters. The mountain

supports five vegetation zones and many kinds of animals.

     The ice glaciers on the mountain are disappearing very quickly. This will have a bad effect on the

mountain's ecosystems and on Tanzania's travel industry. Also, a valuable record of thousands of years

of weather history will also be lost if the ice melts. Scientists study pieces of glaciers to understand

weather patterns from thousands of years ago.  

     In the United States, the icy masses in Glacier National Park in Montana may soon completely

disappear because of climate change. In 1850, it is estimated that there were 150 glaciers in the more

than 400,000 hectare park.  

     There are 26 glaciers remaining today. Scientists estimate that the glaciers will be gone by 2030.

Warming temperatures are also threatening the many kinds of plants and animals that live in this mountain


1. The writer developed the passage mainly by ______.

A. giving examples              

B. listing reasons    

C. making comparisons          

D. using quotations

2. How many glaciers have disappeared since 1850 in Glacier National Park?

A. 150.          

B. 26.      

C. 400,000.      

D. About 124.

3. According to the passage, what has been affected in Italy by rising sea levels?

A. Many kinds of plants and animals died out in Italy.

B. Venice's famous buildings and artworks are being destroyed completely.

C. The ice glaciers on the mountain are disappearing very quickly.

D. Its ancient buildings could be drowned.

4. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Climate Change        

B. The Melting of Massive Pieces of Antarctic Ice

C. Visiting Endangered Places around the World

D. The disappearing of the Ice Glaciers
