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咨询(监理)工程师在施工前准备阶段的质量管理工作不包括( )。



患者老年男性,近来大便次数增多,伴有排便不尽感,偶有便血,量少,色不鲜。该患者应首先进行的检查方法是( )







(10分)【地 理——环境保护】


材料一 20世纪七八十年代开始,受气候变化和人类活动影响,青海湖流域生态环境恶 化,湖泊水位下降、面积萎缩,渔业资源锐减,候鸟数量减少。在2004年之前的近30年,青海 湖水位下降了 3.7米,面积缩小了 312平方千米。1997年,青海湖国家级自然保护区成立,通过综合治理,青海湖流域生态环境有所恢复。自2005年以来青海湖水体面积连续七年递增, 2012年解冻后的青海湖面积为4351.50平方千米,比去年同期增加了 56.06平方千米。

材料二 2000至2009年青海湖周边四个观察点气候参数变化值。

(1)结合材料分析, 2005年以来青海湖水体面积连续七年递增的自然原因(4分)









Large, multinational corporations may be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines. But to a far greater extent than most Americans realize, the economy’s vitality depends on the fortunes of tiny shops and restaurants, neighborhood services and factories. Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 workers, now employ nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the year 2000. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth, and 1989 will see an additional 200,000 entrepreneurs striking off on their own.

Too many of these pioneers, however, will blaze ahead unprepared. Idealists will overestimate the clamor for their products or fail to factor in the competition. Nearly everyone will underestimate, often fatally, the capital that success requires. Midcareer executives, forced by a takeover or a restructuring to quit the corporation and find another way to support themselves, may savor the idea of being their own boss but may forget that entrepreneurs must also, at least for a while, be bookkeeper and receptionist, too. According to Small Business Administration data,24 of every 100 businesses starting out today are likely to have disappeared in two years, and 27 more will have shut their doors four years from now. By 1995,more than 60 of those 100 start-ups will have folded. A new study of 3,000 small businesses, sponsored by American Express and the National Federation of Independent Business, suggests slightly better odds: Three years after start-up, 77 percent of the companies surveyed were still alive. Most credited their success in large part to having picked a business they already were comfortable in. Eighty percent had worked with the same product or service in their last jobs.

Thinking through an enterprise before the launch is obviously critical. But many entrepreneurs forget that a firm’s health in its infancy may be little indication of how well it will age. You must tenderly monitor its pulse. In their zeal to expand, small-business owners often ignore early warning signs of a stagnant market or of decaying profitability. They hopefully pour more and more money into the enterprise, preferring not to acknowledge eroding profit margins that mean the market for their ingenious service or product has evaporated, or that they must cut the payroll or vacate their lavish offices. Only when the financial well runs dry do they see the seriousness of the illness, and by then the patient is usually too far gone to save.

Frequent checks of your firm’s vital signs will also guide you to a sensible rate of growth. To snatch opportunity, you must spot the signals that it is time to conquer new markets, add products or perhaps franchise your hot idea.

We may conclude from the text that()

A. the future of the small businesses is promising and undoubtedly encouraging

B. all those who leave their jobs will be a boss of a small business

C. everyone should look before they leap when they decide managing small business

D. the success of small business solely depends on the bosses who perform their last jobs
