行政监察机关对监察对象违反行政纪律取得财物应依法没收、 追缴或退赔等情况的, 应当



行政监察机关对监察对象违反行政纪律取得财物应依法没收、 追缴或退赔等情况的, 应当







①《凡尔赛和约》②《五国海军条约》③《四国条约》④《九国公约》[ ]






(1) 甲公司股东约定用货币资金2000万元增加注册资本。经A、B注册会计师审验,确认了甲公司新增注册资本2000万元。但A、B注册会计师发现,甲公司由于经营不善造成重大亏损,导致增资前的净资产小于注册资本。
(2) 乙公司系分期出资注册成立的公司,首次出资已由A、B注册会计师在2×10年12月25日审验完毕。2×11年,A、B注册会计师在审验第二次出资时,发现乙公司股东有明显的抽逃前期出资迹象。
(3) 丙公司拟增加注册资本5000万元。某股东根据增资协议,投入了房屋资产2000万元,但尚未办理产权转移手续。股东承诺在半年内办理过户手续。
(4) 丁公司股东约定增资1000万元,A、B注册会计师在审验中发现,丁公司尚未对实收资本的变更情况做出相关的会计处理,且拒绝了A、B注册会计师提出的需作相关会计处理的建议。
(5) 戊公司拟增加注册资本1500万元。某股东根据增资协议,投入了土地使用权1000万元。由于该土地使用权所在区域土地交易活跃,股东一致认为可参考同类地段的近期土地使用权交易价格来确认该土地使用权的出资价格。为了节约相关资金,未对土地使用权进行资产评估。


城市道路人行道宽度的确定,除满足步行交通的要求外,下列要求中属于人行道宽度确定的主要因素的是( )。













Questions 11~15
It’s estimated that every year 100,000 children aged 16 and under run away from home. The London Refuge, an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, is the only place in Britain that will give them a bed. Last year it gave sanctuary to 238 children of whom the youngest was 11. What happened to the other 99,762 Nobody knows, although it’s a fair bet that some of them ended up on the streets, that some fell into inappropriate and dangerous company, that some didn’t survive. "The mere fact that they’re running away puts them at risk," says Lorna Simpson, the refuge’s deputy manager. "On the streets they’ 11 mix with other young people. They’ re so naive; they don’t understand that people who are nice to them will want payback. Our job is to make them safe. "
Simpson, a former social worker, is a calm woman of great warmth. The refuge has six beds and has been open since 1993, often with the threat of closure hanging over it. The problem has nothing to do with the quality of its service and everything to do with funding. A week’s placement costs £2. 278 and three successive governments have argued that the annual running costs of £720. 000 should be locally funded. But because it is used by children from many parts of London, and beyond, local authorities are reluctant to contribute.
The Government has now agreed to work on a strategy to support runaway children in England and Wales, which is rich after its withdrawal of funding from the refuge in December. Since then the NSPCC, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which runs the refuge in conjunction with St Christopher’s Fellowship, has financed it through a donation from an individual, but that money will last only until late next year. "Without this facility there’s nothing; children who run away are on the street," says Nasima Patel, the assistant director of the NSPCC. "One of the strengths of the refuge is that children who have left home can ring up directly and will get a bed and supportive staff without having to go through a process of assessment".
The refuge accommodates six children plus staff. Many of the admissions are at night and children can stay up to 21 days in three months, although most stay for three to five days. They find it through social services, through ChildLine and through word of mouth.
"Children run away from everything you can think of," Simpson says. "Arguments with step-parents, sexual abuse, alcoholic parents, being left to bring up their younger siblings, neglected children who have been failed by social services, girls who have been trafficked. We get doctors’ and lawyers’ children who run away because they want more pocket money, or want to stay out later than their parents allow. They’ve been given everything, they get to 15 and no one thinks to pull the reins in. By that time it’s too late; they rebel. "
Most of the children are from families known to social services, and for them the refuge’s ordered regimen is a welcome contrast to the chaos they know. Staff listen without judging and without encouraging dependency, trying to establish why the children have run away. The aim is to get them home or into the care of social services and, after discharge from the refuge, a family support worker is available.

The word "sanctuary" (para. 1) is closest in meaning to ______.

A. support
B. security
C. shelter

D. stipend
