President Bush arrived in Washington and f



President Bush arrived in Washington and forged ahead with an ambitious agenda- (1) tax cuts, vast changes in federal social programs, expansions of executive power and (2) broad remaking of energy and education policies.
Claiming a mandate by simply declaring (3) existence, his early successes dazzled his critics. With guru Karl Rove directing the (4) , Bush won a stunning series of political victories.
He muscled his agenda through (5) friendly Congress, and gained seats for his party in the 2002 midterm elections. (6) biggest triumph came in 2004, when he won a second term despite a (7) unpopular war.
The "permanent" Republican majority he and Rove envisioned even seemed attainable (8) Bush plunged himself into his most ambitious legislative effort yet: a partial privatization (9) Social Security.
But the president who boasted about "political capital" in the heady (10) after his re-election now faces the worst of political fates as he enters (11) final year in office: borderline irrelevance.
The president’s second term has (12) defined by legislative paralysis, marked by record-low approval ratings, presidential candidates who are (13) from his shadow, and a lingering war that’s sapping his remaining reservoirs of (14) .
As he enters his final year in office with the war continuing, Republican (15) for president bolting from his shadow, and his party back in the minority (16) Congress, he is politically weakened, an early entry into lame-duck status.
And the (17) Washington atmosphere he hoped to cure is just as nasty as it was (18) he came to office seven years ago.
"lie’s left our political institutions much (19) troubled than they were before," said Thomas E. Mann, a senior fellow at (20) Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank. "He didn’t create the ideological polarization, but he magnified it. \


计算投资方案的增量现金流量时,一般不需要考虑该方案所动用现有资产的账面价值。 ( )



材料一 秦汉时期我国的民族关系呈现出明显的区域特征,即南方地区的开发和融合加强,西部的贸易和交流频繁,北方边境战争不断。

材料二 三国两晋南北朝时期我国西部和北部少数民族受汉族先进文化的影响不断内迁,大量南下的少数民族与汉族人民在黄河流域杂居相处,彼此交往。他们在生产方式和生活方式方面,相互渗透,取长补短。

材料三 北魏孝文帝曾说:“国家兴自北土,移居平城,此间用武之地,非可文治……河洛(今洛阳一带)王里,因兹大举,光宅中原。”       




(2)材料三反映了孝文帝采取的什么重要举措? (2分)任举两例,说说他还采取了哪些措施来促进民族融合?(4分)




To many foreigners, Guangzhou has become their _______ hometown.

A. two
B. second
C. the second

