Nonverbal communication is hugely importan



Nonverbal communication is hugely important: in any interaction with others, its importance is multiplied across cultures. This is because we tend to look for nonverbal cues when verbal messages are unclear or ambiguous, as they are more likely to be across cultures. (41) __________.

Low-context cultures like the United States and Canada tend to give relatively less emphasis to nonverbal communication. This does not mean that nonverbal communication does not happen, or that it is unimportant, but that people in these settings tend to place less importance on it than on the literal meanings of words themselves. In high-context settings such as Japan or Colombia, understanding the nonverbal components of communication is relatively more important to receiving the intended meaning of the communication as a whole.

(42) __________. For instance, it may be more socially acceptable in some settings in the United States for women to show fear, but not anger, and for men to display anger, but not fear. At the same time, interpretation of facial expressions across cultures is difficult. In China and Japan, for example, a facial expression that would be recognized around the world as conveying happiness may actually express anger or mask sadness, both of which are unacceptable to show overtly.

(43) __________.For a Westerner who understands smiles to mean friendliness and happiness, this smile may seem out of place and even cold, under the circumstances. Even though some facial expressions may be similar across cultures, their interpretations remain culture specific. It is important to understand something about cultural starting-points and values in order to interpret emotions expressed in cross-cultural interactions.

(44) __________. In a comparison of North American and French children on a beach, a researcher noticed that the French children tended to stay in a relatively small space near their parents, while US children ranged up and down a large area of the beach.

(45) __________.

These examples of differences related to nonverbal communication are only the tip of the iceberg. Careful observation, ongoing study from a variety of sources, and cultivating relationships across cultures will all help develop the cultural fluency to work effectively with nonverbal communication differences.

[A] These differences of interpretation may lead to conflict. Suppose a Japanese person is explaining her absence from negotiations due to a death in her family. She may do so with a smile, based on her cultural belief that it is not appropriate to inflict the pain of grief on others.

[B] Another variable across cultures has to do with ways of relating to space. Crossing cultures, we encounter very different ideas about polite space for conversations and negotiations. North Americans tend to prefer a large amount of space, perhaps because they are surrounded by it in their homes and countryside. Europeans tend to stand more closely with each other when talking, and are accustomed to smaller personal spaces.

[C] Americans are serious about standing in lines, in accordance with their beliefs in democracy and the principle of "first come, first served." The French, on the other hand, have a practice of line jumping, that irritates many British and U S Americans.

[D] Since nonverbal behavior arises from our cultural common sense, we use different systems of understanding gestures, posture, silence, spatial relations, emotional expression, touch, ’physical appearance, and other nonverbal cues. Cultures also attribute different degrees of importance to verbal and nonverbal behavior.

[E] The difficulty with space preferences is not that they exist, but the judgments that get attached to them. If someone is accustomed to standing or sitting very close when they are talking with another, they may see the other’s attempt to create more space as evidence of coldness, or a lack of interest.

[F] It is said that a German executive working in the United States became so upset with visitors to his office moving the guest chair to suit themselves that he had it bolted to the floor.

[G] Some elements of nonverbal communication are consistent across cultures. For example, research has shown that the emotions of enjoyment, anger, fear, sadness, disgust, and surprise are expressed in similar ways by people around the world. Differences surface with respect to which emotions are acceptable to display in various cultural settings, and by whom.


























实行“优化资本结构”的某试点城市的一家国有企业由债权人提出破产申请,人民法院于2000年8月20日受理破产申请,发现该企业因经营不善,造成严重亏损,无法清偿到期债务,且和解整顿失败。人民法院于2002年3月10日宣告该国有企业破产,成立清算小组,对该企业的财产进行清算,形成清算报告的主要内容如下:(1)该企业的总资产变现价值共9000万元。其中:①长期投资价值700万元;②存货价值500万元;③运输设备价值300万元 ④传导设备价值600万元;⑤第一号房产 价值1200万元;⑦第三号房产价值1300万元;⑧第四号房产 价值900万元;⑨土地使用权价值2000万元。(2)该企业的总负债共11000万元。其中包括但不限于:①欠工行借款本息共2100万元,以第一号房产作抵押;②欠农行借款本息共1400万元,以第二号房产作抵押;③欠建行借款本息共1100万元,欠市商业银行借款本息共400万元,均以第三号房产作抵押;对市商业银行借款的低押担保登记时间在先;④欠甲公司货款计2300万元,以第四号房产和土地使用权作抵押;⑤欠乙公司货款计1350万元;⑥欠企业内部集资借款本金及按实际借款期和银行同期存款利率计算的利息共650万元;⑦欠职工工资和劳动保险费用共380万元;欠交离退休人员的养老保险统筹共220万元;⑧欠交税款520万元,欠交税务机关税款100万元;⑨欠交工商管理机关罚款260万元;⑩欠丙公司货款计200万元。(3)A公司有充分证据证明,破产企业的运输设备是临时借用本公司的资产,A公司有权收回。(4)清算组决定终止破产企业与B公司的合同,给B公司造成直接损失160万元,破产企业应对B公司赔偿。(5)根据国家安置企业职工的政策规定.,该企业共有300名职工需要安置。该企业所在城市的企业职工上年平均工资收入为0.8万元,平均基本生活费为0.5万元。(6)经查证对甲公司债权提供的担保合同是在2001年11月10日补签的,该项债权形成于2000年5月25日。(7)发生破产清算费用共70万元。另外:破产清算完毕后,清算组于2002年6月12日向乙公司发出催领通知,直到同年9月23日乙公司仍未领取应分回的财产;同时,c公司于9月28日准备聘请该破产企业的法定代表人担任本公司经理,据知,该法定代表人对企业破产有个人责任。要求:根据下列提供的条件,结合破产法律规定,回答下列问题:(1)该企业符合破产企业职安置的试点规定,则企业资产应如何清偿(2)职工安置支出金额为多少安置方案应经过哪些法律程序通过(3)取回权、别除权的金额分别为多少请说明理由。(4)完成职工安置和取回权、别除权后,剩余的破产财产为多少依法应如何分配每项分配的金是多少(5)破产债权是多少(6)乙公司可分回多少(7)乙公司逾期未取回的财产应如何处理(8)若破产企业的法人代表人对该企业的破产负有主要责任,则c公司的聘请是否合法并说明理由。














public class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
int x=20;
if (x>10) System.out.print(x-=5);
if (x>5) System.out.print(x--);

则程序运行后的输出结果是 【12】
