2,4,8,16,32,() A.34 B.64 C.72 D.54










材料一 中国文武制度,事事远出于西人之上,独火器万不能及……中国欲自强,则莫如学习外国利器,欲学习外国利器,则莫如觅制器之器,师其法而不必尽用其人。

——《江苏巡抚李鸿章致 * * 衙门原函》

材料二 变法之本,在育人才;人才之兴,在开学校;学校之立,在变科举。而一切要其大成,在变官制。                                                 ---- 梁启超《变法通议》

材料三 “西洋人因为拥护德、赛两先生,闹了多少事,流了多少血,德、赛两先生才渐渐从黑暗中把他们救出,引到光明世界。我们现在认定只有这两位先生,可以救治中国政治上、道德上、艺术上、思想上一切黑暗。”                       
















一个足球队,如果胜一场得分记为“+3”分,那么负一场球得分应记为(    )分.


Teaching and research are supported by the University’s extensive collections—the Yale University Art Gallery, the Yale Center for British Art, the Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the Collection of Musical Instruments. All the collections are open to the public.

Yale University Art Gallery

The Yale University Art Gallery, founded in 1832, today houses a collection that has grown to rank with those of the major public art museums in the United States. Its two connected buildings house ancient, medieval, and Renaissance art, Near and Far Eastern art, archaeological material from the University’s excavations (古迹), Pre-Columbian and African art, works of European and American masters from actually every period, and a rich collection of modern art. Across the street, the Yale Center for British Art, which was opened in 1977, holds the largest collection of British art and illustrated books anywhere outside the United Kingdom.

Peabody Museum of Natural History

Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History, founded in 1866, contains one of the great scientific collections in North America. Among its holdings are the University’s comprehensive mineralogical and ornithological collections, the second-largest repository of dinosaur artifacts in the United States, and the largest undamaged Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus 雷龙) in the world. The Peabody is truly a working museum, where public exhibition, research, conservation, teaching, and learning intersect (贯穿).

Yale Center for British Art

Institutions like the Art Gallery, the Center for British Art, and the Peabody Museum hold only a portion of the treasures in the University’s collections. From paintings by Picasso, to pterodactyl (翼龙) remains, to a 1689 tenor viol in the Collection of Musical Instruments, Yale’s possessions are meant to be accessible to the communities they enrich.

Collection of Musical Instruments

Exhibitions are also frequently mounted (裱贴) at the following venues on campus: Art + Architecture Gallery (School of Architecture), Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Green Hall Gallery (School of Art), and Sterling Memorial Library, including the Arts of the Book Collection.

小题1:Which of the following cannot be found in the Yale University Art Gallery?

A.Near and Far Eastern art.

B.Pre-Columbian and African art

C.British art and illustrated books.

D.Works of European and American masters.小题2:Where will you go if you want to enjoy dinosaur artifacts?

A.Peabody Museum of Natural History.

B.Collection of Musical Instruments.

C.Yale University Art Gallery.

D.Yale Center for British Art.小题3:Which of the following has the longest history according to the passage?

A.Yale Center for British Art.

B.Yale University Art Gallery.

C.Peabody Museum of Natural History.

D.A musical instrument named tenor viol.小题4:We can learn from the passage that in Yale, ______.

A.collections are partly open to the public

B.there are many venues just for exhibitions

C.collections are from art museums in the US

D.exhibitions are frequently mounted on campus小题5:What is the text mainly about?

A.Introduction to Yale University.

B.Introduction to collections in Yale.

C.Introduction to venues in Yale.

D.Introduction to art works in Yale.


