








有一种战略的核心是恰当的防卫,使新企业很难进入,挑战者难有立足之地,因此经受打击的概率低,打击的程度轻,这种战略叫做( )。













When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation. I suggested that they should stay at "bed and breakfast" houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.
"We didn’t stay at bed and breakfast houses," they said, "because we found that most families were away on holiday. "
I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought "VACANCIES" meant "holidays", because the Spanish word for "holiday" is "vacation". So they did not go to house where the sign outside said "VACANCIES", which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where the sign said " NO VACANCIES", because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!
We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word "DIVERSION" means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word "DIVERSION" on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road is blocked by a crowd.
English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris when someone offered me some more coffee, I said "Thank you" in French. I meant that I would like some more. However, to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that "Thank you" in French means "No, thank you".

I was surprised when the coffee pot was taken away because I ______.

A.hadn’t finished drinking my coffee
B.was expecting another cup of coffee
C.meant that I didn’t want any more
D.was always understood


Attitude is an internal(内在的)state that influences the choices of personal action made by the individual. Some researchers consider that attitudes come from differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes come from emotional states. Here, we focus on the effects of attitudes upon behavior, that is, upon the choices of action made by the individual.

The kinds of actions taken by human beings are obviously influenced greatly by attitudes. Whether one listens to classical music or rock, whether one obeys the speed limit while driving, whether one encourages one’s husband or wife to express his or her own ideas-all are influenced by attitudes. These internal states are acquired throughout life from situations one is faced with in the home, in the streets, and in the school.

Of course, the course of action chosen by an individual in any situation will be largely determined by the particulars of that situation. An individual who has a strong attitude of obeying laws may drive too fast when he is in a hurry and no police cars in sight. A child who has a strong attitude of honesty may steal a penny when she thinks no one will notice. But the internal state which remains unchanged over a period of time, and which makes the individual behave regularly in a variety of situations, is what is meant by an attitude.

Attitudes are learned in a variety of ways. They can result from single incidents, as when an attitude toward snakes is acquired by an experience in childhood at the sudden movement of a snake. They can result from the individual’s experiences of success and pleasure, as when someone acquires a positive attitude toward doing crossword puzzles by being able to complete some of them. And frequently, they are learned by copying other people’s behavior, as when a child learns how to behave toward foreigners by observing the actions of his parents. Regardless of these differences, there is something in common in the learning and modification(修正)of attitudes.

72. According to the passage, attitudes _______ .

A. come from different situations in one’s life    

B. are largely affected by one’s behavior

C. remain unchanged in one’s daily life                                  

D. could be chosen according to one’s will

73. The author uses the examples in Paragraph 3 to show _______ .

A. people often make mistakes when they are not noticed

B. people with good attitudes may sometimes do bad deeds

C. particulars of a situation may influence an individual’s action

D. an individual may change his or her attitude fairly easily

74. Which of the following is TRUE about the learning of attitudes?

A. Attitudes are only learned through one’s success.

B. Attitudes learned in danger will last longer.

C. Copying others’ behavior is not a good idea.

D. Attitudes can be learned from one’s parents.

75. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Differences of Attitudes.   B. Nature of Attitude.

C. Choices of Attitudes. D. Modification of Attitude.


