下列情况中属于推销观念的是()。 A.不管顾客需要什么颜色的汽车,我们只有一种黑色的









A 19-year-old primigravida is admitted to the labor and delivery unit in labor. She’s 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, and the fetal head is at 0 station. She’s having moderately p 40-second contractions every 5 minutes. She seems rather anxious and becomes very tense during each contraction. When the client asks for pain relief, what should the nurse do next

A. Determine the source of her anxiety and institute interventions to help her relax.
B. Immediately check the physician’s order and give her the analgesic ordered.
C. Inform her that the neonate’s head isn’t down far enough just yet but that, as soon as it is, medication will be given.
D. Tell her that her contractions are only moderately p and that she should wait until later to take medication.



     According to the United States government, people are classified as homeless if they have no place to stay

and no expectation of finding a place for the next thirty days. Although technically accurate, that is an

impersonal assessment of an enormous and very human problem.

     The homeless population represents all of us Americans. It includes men and women, the elderly, children,

and infants. Its members are from all ethnic groups. What they have in common is poverty.

     Currently in the U S, thirty-nine million people live in poverty. When money is really tight, paying the rent

or buying food often becomes a choice. Government assistance in the form of food stamps does help but, as

one homeless man explains, you can't pay the rent with food stamps.

     With no money for rent, the streets and homeless shelters become the alternative.

     Although men constitute the largest group within the homeless population, homeless women with children

are rapidly joining them. In fact, one quarter of the homeless people in the US are teenagers and young children. 

     People may become homeless for numerous reasons. However, there are certain factors that many of these

individuals have in common. They include a lack of adequate education and job skills. A majority of the teenagers

and adults have not completed high school. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also a common factor. One third

of the adult homeless population abuses alcohol. While one quarter of the same group uses drugs.

     Some members of this population suffer mental health problems. Within the past several years many

institutions for the mentally ill have been closed and their patients sent "home". Unfortunately, a number of those

people have no home to go to and they are unable to adequately look after themselves.

     Job loss in today's economy has also become a real factor in the loss of people's homes. The breakup of

families through abandonment and divorce are also contributing factors, particularly when there are children

involved. The parent who is left to care for the kids with inadequate income may be forced to depend on the

homeless shelters to put a roof over their heads.

1. The writer thinks that the US government's definition for the homeless reveals _____.

A. an insincere attitude toward the homeless

B. an unbearable attitude toward the homeless

C. an uncivilized attitude toward the homeless

D. an unsympathetic attitude toward the homeless

2. The US government helps the homeless by _____.

A. giving them homeless allowance

B. giving them food stamps

C. finding jobs for them

D. finding residence for them

3. People become homeless for all the following reasons EXCEPT _____.

A. the lack of adequate education

B. the abuse of alcohol and drugs

C. the closure of institutions for the mentally ill

D. the poor performance of economy

4. The breakup of families is likely to lead to homelessness because a parent with kids may _____.

A. lose his or her job in today's economy

B. be unable to look after the kids

C. not have enough income

D. find residence at a homeless shelter




某孕妇32岁,初次怀孕,足月妊娠,胎膜早破住院,因第二产程延长产钳助产,产后第一天出血约 300ml。产后第3天时,体温38℃,下腹痛,恶露血性、有臭味。腹部检查宫底平脐,宫旁压痛,白细胞 21×109/L。





D.多次行 * * 检查,了解子宫复旧情况











